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  1. Erba

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Mine now from August the August hatch 🥰
  2. Erba

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    My own Light Sussex eggs ( the back up plan :lau ) are now on day 18, I'm going to lock them down so they can get into hatching position. Don't know where I got the tip with the cheese cloth, but it's a great idea. Less mess and they have something soft to rest on after their ordeal. So it is...
  3. Erba

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Ta da! My shipped eggs chicks! Only three but I am so happy!
  4. Erba

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    I think it did both internal and external, it is now starting to slowly zip at the shell. I worry the dickens out of myself, this shipped egg thing is awfully nerve racking...
  5. Erba

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    What do you think about this chick, it doesn't seem to be able to zip, should I assist? It's a shipped egg.
  6. Erba

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Yeah! the first chick hatched, early this morning. It's day 23, and I had almost given up, but i had the temperature a bit lower this time, 38.2 was not working for me, so went for 37 still air. I'm hoping it will cheep the other ones out now, have to go to work, so we will see how it goes.
  7. Erba

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    I made a discision today (18th day) to remove any eggs that didn't have a halfway decent air cell by this point in incubation. The 7 left all have semi normal looking air cells in the right place now, and I feel less panicked about the hatch!
  8. Erba

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    17th day here with my shipped Light Sussex eggs, and from the 20 only 12 are now possible hatch candidates. The others either never developed or died along the way. Anyway, with all the variables that go with shipping, i think 12 eggs is not a bad number, even if not every egg hatches, at least...
  9. Erba

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    My life just got great deal easier. I swopped the egg flat for a turner, so I don't have to touch all the 21 eggs every time I have to turn them. Took the motor off and fitted it to the incubator. So now I can turn them all together in one swoop. I knew that crappy incubator might come in handy...
  10. Erba

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    I checked my air cells today on my shipped eggs. Day 4. Have not turned them yet. Most are in the right spot but like set jello a bit wiggly. Two are definitely saddled. So my plan is to keep them uptight and turn from hand from now on, just tilt and turn them a bit in their egg flat.Thanking...
  11. Erba

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Hi, I'm here with my 21 Light Sussex eggs, that just arrived today in the post. and a first timer with shipped eggs. 😱 I ordered 20 and got a spare from the breeder. He packed them really well, so no cracks or broken ones, so we've got over that hurdle at least... They are sitting in an egg flat...
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