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  1. Melontine

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    I considered it, that's definitely a reasonable strategy. But one chick already died after wandering too far from her and freezing. The poor thing left the nesting box to be on the coop floor and couldn't figure out how to get back in. It's not directly related, but it's been two days now since...
  2. Melontine

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Went out and candled my broody's extra eggs. Most don't look viable, I tossed out three that had nothing in them. I put the other three in the incubator, though I only think that one of those has a chance at hatching. Now I'm left to wonder what to do if it hatches. I didn't want leave it under...
  3. Melontine

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Had a good look at my broody's hatch. Sadly two chicks fell out of the nesting box. I put one back under her, seems to be doing well. The other froze to death, though I tried taking it inside and using a hairdryer on low to see if I could save it. It was not to be. So she has five chicks left...
  4. Melontine

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Broody hen has chicks today! It's a bit cold and rainy, but so far I know she has at least 3 healthy little chicks under her. I'm not sure how many eggs ended up staying under her, we had an issue of the other hens wanting to lay there and had to remove a couple that wouldn't fit under her. I...
  5. Melontine

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    10 Buff Orpington eggs set late last night with broody hen, due to hatch ~August 30th. So I've got a persistent broody hen now. She's wanting to try her luck with hatching some eggs and I kind of want to let her. My concern, however, is that summer is nearing its end and we live in Maine. I...
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