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  1. Oldhallchicks

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    A little update on our August hatches! we ended up with 1 Welsummer pullet, one gorgeous welsummer/Sussex cockerel, one buff orpington cockerel, and 4 buff orpington pullets. we lost one of our runner ducks at a few days old, but we have two drakes and two hens left. 😊 “nugget” our HUGE buff...
  2. Oldhallchicks

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    BCM on my list to hatch next year! I haven’t seen anywhere local that does them, and I had 0% hatch on any shipped eggs this time. So really want to be able to get them from a breeder! They lay such beautiful eggs!! Happy hatching! 💕
  3. Oldhallchicks

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Here’s the duckling friends for the other two! Splash, Spot, abd Twirl
  4. Oldhallchicks

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Found 3 more runner ducklings that hatched yesterday to buy, so picking them up tonight to get to know these two! 😍 truffle And Bigfoot The ducklings already seem so much friendlier than the chicks. They cry when we put them back in the brooder like they want to keep being held. I guess...
  5. Oldhallchicks

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Guess you need to get her some eggs! Lol
  6. Oldhallchicks

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Only 2 ducklings made it. I think because they hatched so early, they weren’t even in lockdown, and the humidity was low when they pipped which made it hard for them. My parents (bless them for trying) didn’t think they needed help, but i knew straight away when I got here they’d need...
  7. Oldhallchicks

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    So one of the ducklings started zipping late last night and has not progressed for the past few hours. we are on our way home from our holiday and I’m talking my parents through how to investigate/assist 😳😳😳
  8. Oldhallchicks

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    First duckling is out! One is starting to zip
  9. Oldhallchicks

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    One of the ducks is almost out! My parents sent me a video. I’m dying. Can’t believe they’re hatching and I’m not there! how will they know I love them if they don’t sense me checking them every 5 minutes?! 😂 Hopefully they’re all healthy etc, because I would feel awful if my parents had to...
  10. Oldhallchicks

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Three of our runner duck eggs have pips and we are away on holiday. 😬 my parents are looking after them and I just had to give instructions for lockdown etc. Day 28 is Tuesday, so they are quite early. I’m hoping they’re actually ready and that the temp hasn’t been too high.
  11. Oldhallchicks

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃 I think my second hen is going broody. She’s been spending more time than usual in the coop, and just standing on the ramp. 🤔🤷‍♀️😂I’ve found her a few times sitting in the nest box, and she’s not laying as often. stuck a couple of her eggs in there (I’ve been scrambling them for the...
  12. Oldhallchicks

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    look at your cute little “helper”
  13. Oldhallchicks

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    such a handsome little guy! 😍 and yay for hatching! 👏👏👏
  14. Oldhallchicks

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    X2 @kelseyk 🤞
  15. Oldhallchicks

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    I had one of these in my July hatch, but it had so many other things wrong with it 😔 if it’s intestines are out, I was advised that you should gently push them in with a q-tip. Hope it pulls through!! 🙏 🤞
  16. Oldhallchicks

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    We are hoping that it will be sort of self cleaning. The wall at the front has a small dip that overflows into a drain. We get a lot of rain here in the UK, so hoping that it will keep the water flowing through quite reqularly 👍
  17. Oldhallchicks

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Still have 7 runner duck eggs going strong on day 10. We are going to have to build a bigger duck house before they hatch as well. We did build a drain/water feature duck pond in the shared chicken/duck run over the last couple days. We built a wall around it, with a gentle slope in, so...
  18. Oldhallchicks

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    7/8 runner duck eggs developing on day 4. #8 has a rolling air cell even though I picked them up in person, and looks like it’s either infertile or started and quit. also...pretty sure the ducklings we got with the duck house are drakes. So....they probably won’t be with us for too long before...
  19. Oldhallchicks

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    You are such a bad influence! (And by bad...I mean good. Bc we all want to keep hatching 😂😂)
  20. Oldhallchicks

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Hiiiiii.... I’m here. I think I have a problem. :oops: 8 runner duck eggs in my incubator. They’re beautiful big blue eggs and I don’t have any blue egg layers in my flock so here’s hoping we get some girls!! I’ve got to stop after this month because we will be at capacity until the chicks...
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