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  1. ShrekDawg

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    She’s definitely pretty small! LOL bigger than Dan but still tiny 😂🤣 Bane is awesome :love
  2. ShrekDawg

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Is which one a bantam? The Orpington? Nope, I think it’s just the angle of the picture that makes the chick look bigger LOL though she is also small for her breed so she may be close to bantam size 😂🤣 her sister though was even smaller LOL runtiest thing 😂🤣 :lau I’m getting to that stage myself...
  3. ShrekDawg

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    The one in the first pic is a Buff Orpington. :) I have one each of Buff Orpington, Black Australorp, Leghorn, Delaware, Partridge Rock, and Speckled Sussex and then 2 Easter Eggers, 5 bantam Birchen Cochins, 4 Brabanters (2 gold and 2 cream), plus Jack’s 4 babies which are 2 Leghorn/Lavender...
  4. ShrekDawg

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Chicken party!! LOL babies are growing like weeds 😭😭 6 weeks old now!! And Mama 2 is such a good mama 😭🥰 she made sure they got some and called them over. They were scared so she shooed everyone away gently and when chicks still didn’t notice it was safe, she went and got them lol and lets them...
  5. ShrekDawg

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    They grow up so fast 😭😭😭 he’s pretty thick in the front too! Got Jack’s build I guess LOL will be 6 weeks old Tuesday. Or Wednesday but I’m pretty sure he was the first one to hatch.
  6. ShrekDawg

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    :lau well I have a lot when they were little and the first few weeks but then like none the last couple weeks lol I need to get new ones 😂🤣
  7. ShrekDawg

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    The chicks are so huge. I need to get new pictures of them lol
  8. ShrekDawg

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Oh and also the OG mama quit like a week or two ago so the Auntie that I’ve mentioned before has taken over completely 😂🤣 she’s also a far better mother but don’t tell Freckles I said that 😂🙈🙈
  9. ShrekDawg

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Just had a hawk fly by but it wasn’t a very big one and I think was just flying by but idk. Momma was FREAKING OUT. So loud lol hawk was probably scared of her 😂🤣 babies were good and stayed hidden. They only came out when she started doing her soft gentle calls instead of alarm calling. :love...
  10. ShrekDawg

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Aww that’s so sweet!! :love didn’t realize it would work across species too LOL
  11. ShrekDawg

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Coparenting going well LOL 🥰 and the chicks are getting so big 😭 they turned 3 weeks old this week.
  12. ShrekDawg

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Apparently Freckles and Beauty are now coparenting 😭🥰
  13. ShrekDawg

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Here you go lol’s-thread.1331546/
  14. ShrekDawg

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Good idea! Sorry, should have done that with the first post haha one sec!
  15. ShrekDawg

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    You guys should join my reptile thread LOL :D
  16. ShrekDawg

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    So is Colonel LOL
  17. ShrekDawg

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Oh and I’m now pretty sure cool Aunt Beauty is going broody so I guess she does want her own babies after all 😂🤣 either that or she just wanted to lay near her “family” lol
  18. ShrekDawg

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Beauty keeps following Freckles and the chicks around the last couple days and it’s so adorable 😂🤣 I think she wants to be a mother too. Or the cool aunt. 😂🥰
  19. ShrekDawg

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Oh my gosh!!! Awww I’m sorry!
  20. ShrekDawg

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Me too! 😂🤣 btw what are you still doing up!? Didn’t you like just go to bed like 2 hours ago!? 😂🤦‍♀️ Or did you not sleep!? 🤔
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