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  1. TheBajan

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    :fl 🙏
  2. TheBajan

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    That's my plan as well. I'm pretty excited for 2020 to just slide into the history books... it's been a strange one for sure. I still have so much to learn. I have no idea how to market my chicks or even eggs. I wanted to be NPIP certified but due to Covid-19, Michigan isn't doing any testing...
  3. TheBajan

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    My eggs from Omega Hills had a lot of clears in them. Just FYI. I suppose it could have been shipping damage but when I opened them up they looked clear.
  4. TheBajan

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    agree with @FortCluck . You're still early enough to fix this. Raise the humidity to about 45% and check again at Day 10. By then they should have lost about 5 1/2 or 6% of weight. Adjust again if needed.
  5. TheBajan

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Have you put another calibrated humidistat in there to see if the one on the incubator is reading correctly? Is this the first time you have used this incubator?
  6. TheBajan

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Yes, I think we all do.... :)
  7. TheBajan

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    My Isbar chicks from Greenfire Farms arrived today! I think they are more currently called Silverudd Blues. I had some arrive that are four weeks old yesterday but two of them died in the first few days so I ordered more because three aren't enough to really make a full flock. They're such...
  8. TheBajan

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Here's some pics of my new BC Marans... I am in love! 😍
  9. TheBajan

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    I have actually wondered about this with some of my Bielefelders as well as one of my CL. My cream legbars look different than yours. Mine are all developing their crests but I don't see a noticable difference in their combs yet.
  10. TheBajan

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Finished the hatch with 14 babies out of 20 that made it to lock-down. I assisted one and she's doing fine. Sadly, I waited to long to intervene on another. I was able to hear it chirping so I thought it would be okay but it moved, covered the air hole and ran out of oxygen. I'm kicking myself...
  11. TheBajan

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    @CluckNDoodle Thanks for the heads up on this... will do!
  12. TheBajan

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    I can see the beak down one side where the membrane has shrunk away from the shell. It's able to get oxygen and I'm just keeping it moist and checking often (maybe too often). I set a timer to keep myself busy for the next hour before I go check again. We now have 9 hatched with 5 more external...
  13. TheBajan

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    So I have good news, bad news, and a question. Let's start with the good news... right now I have 7 hatched and doing fine. 6 more have externally pipped. Here are a couple of pics. Now for the bad news. I dropped an egg last night and it cracked. It began leaking very watery yolk...
  14. TheBajan

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    @FortCluck imhoneygirl has moved 9or is in the process of moving) to Georgia. She is VERY nice and VERY knowledgable about her Marans and the background she has built them from. She shipped 23 eggs to me and 20 of them were viable and made it to lockdown! Much better than the 18 eggs I got from...
  15. TheBajan

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    I don't know for sure but it looks like it to me. Hopefully someone with more experience will chime in.
  16. TheBajan

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Day 19... I have several that have pipped internally from the larger eggs in my DIY cabinet incubator! The largest egg is still only at 7% weight loss and has the smallest air sac. I candled and drew the air sac so I can tell if it pips in the right spot. It's the one I have been most concerned...
  17. TheBajan

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    I purchased a tabletop incubator yesterday. Today is the start of day 18 and lock-down. I couldn't help feeling that by keeping all of the eggs in the same hatcher, I would be sacrificing some either to drowning or to being shrink-wrapped. So I'm keeping the larger eggs (12 total) that need to...
  18. TheBajan

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Thank you for the article. Very interesting... I added it to my reference files.
  19. TheBajan

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    Cindy, I know they very seldom survive but I did see a video of one that made it. They needed assistance but the guy hatched one and then I believe it was the next day when he hatched the other. It might have been on BYC but I don't remember for sure.
  20. TheBajan

    🍃August Hatch-a-Long🍃

    That egg is viable.... absolutely a keeper! Cross my fingers for you!
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