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  1. Dephora

    Fermenting Feed for Sourdough Nerds

    I never followed up on this thread!! How did your chickens do over winter? Did they lay all the way through? did you keep up the with the fermenting?
  2. Dephora

    Fermenting Feed for Sourdough Nerds

    The difference between a science experiment and just messing around is that you write your results from an experiment down ;) Its writing it down in a journal that makes it science, otherwise messing around and experimenting look pretty much the same 😎 The problem is later is 6 projects later...
  3. Dephora

    Fermenting Feed for Sourdough Nerds

    Aren't worm bins the literal best? I feel so much better about letting a head of lettuce go bad now that I have them. All the produce that goes bad is an investment in castings 😬 I recently descovered twinings tea company doesn't use those little staples on their bags and it is SAD how happy...
  4. Dephora

    Fermenting Feed for Sourdough Nerds

    Gosh we are neighbors! Hope the recent fire avoided you. We got hit pretty bad this year. I was so anxious about evacuation. Was wondering if I was gonna have to let all the chickens out and hope they made it to safety. Sounds like you have strong stock, do you sell your pullets? You clearly put...
  5. Dephora

    Fermenting Feed for Sourdough Nerds

    I know you never noticed any difference with egg qaulity etc. But With 72 plus birds I imagine disease can spread very quickly, did you ever notice a difference in sniffles, sneezing, or outright illness? Any difference in parasites? I only have my own birds to go off of. I have never had a sick...
  6. Dephora

    Fermenting Feed for Sourdough Nerds

    Wow tell me more about your bedding, I use sand so there isn't much smell at all. But I wouldn't mind a coop that smelled like a hipster coffee bar in Christmas.
  7. Dephora

    Fermenting Feed for Sourdough Nerds

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience! 72 plus birds! I already feel overwhelmed with 30, I can't imagine trying to ferment for that many birds. I can totally see why the quality of fermented feed may go down over time, in theory it should get better is what everyone says, but I...
  8. Dephora

    Fermenting Feed for Sourdough Nerds

    You make an excellent point about the wild yeast water. Anaerobic fermentation for yeast is ONLY possible if the yeast is being fed sugar (which could be a cup of sugar, or ground grain releasing the sugar, or fruit juice). Anaerobic growth for most yeasts is not possible, without being fed...
  9. Dephora

    Fermenting Feed for Sourdough Nerds

    Hello! I could talk about fermenting all day. So you are correct in that sourdough, specifically not all breads, does get "sour" or tangy from lactic acid produced from lacto bacteria when caught at the right end of the ferment of the dough, a PH of 3.5. The thing is how you keep your starter...
  10. Dephora

    Fermenting Feed for Sourdough Nerds

    I do two types of ferment, lacto and yeast. I do this type of ferment you are doing with my meat birds, the yeast helps them to gain weight very quickly. However, I have always done the "two inches of water over the feed and wait 3 days to grow the lacto acid" method for my lacto ferment to...
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