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  1. N F C

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    Bravo :clapI guess the real question is, what does KMM think?
  2. N F C

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    She's lovely, all hail the Queen!
  3. N F C

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    Or punishing you for leaving her :lol:
  4. N F C

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    She looks very content!
  5. N F C

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    I feel your pain! I could make kittens out of the loose hair from my 3 :gig
  6. N F C

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    She is a pretty girl!
  7. N F C

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    Impressive! Your pictures remind me of ads I've been seeing for that Turn Me Royal website :lol:
  8. N F C

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    Face it Rob, you are now owned by a cat :lol: (So am I, that's how I recognize the situation.)
  9. N F C

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    Hope she's ok Rob :fl
  10. N F C

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    She's such a pretty cat! I think I'll pass on the coloring book though :gig
  11. N F C

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    Give it time. It took my 2 cats at least a month to get used to cat #3. Best of luck!
  12. N F C

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    That's great news, glad Miss Kitty is home again!
  13. N F C

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    So sorry about your cat Nifty, I was hoping you'd have better news about her. :hugs
  14. N F C

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    She's probably resting up for tonight's hunt :lol:
  15. N F C

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    Sorry you had such a mess to clean up. Maybe she chose the bathtub because it resembles a giant box? Her watery poop could be due to something she's eaten outside. I wouldn't worry too much unless it continues.
  16. N F C

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    She's quite the little huntress!
  17. N F C

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    I'm familiar with the Denver skyline, my parents lived there for over 40 years. Your dad did a good job, Denver is one of those cities identifiable from it's skyline. There's no confusing it with any other place.
  18. N F C

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    Thanks @BigBlueHen53 I'll pass your comment on to him! He's a golf course superintendent in real life but enjoys construction projects. :)
  19. N F C

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    All the credit goes to DH, he's good at this sort of thing. I help him find his tools, hand him screws and clean up after him. :gig Hopefully I'll be able to get a picture with a cat or 3 in it before long!
  20. N F C

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    Rob, thought I'd share our catio (in progress): Our 3 house cats will be able to go out and in via their cat tower in front of one of those house windows. DH is getting close to putting up the hardware cloth today. Opie, Pip and Bam Bam are going to love this!
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