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  1. Nifty-Chicken

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    Yesterday the weather was beautiful, so we did some gardening. We went to Home Depot to get some soil/plants. We were debating about getting some new CatNip for KMM since her plant died. We went back and forth and back and forth with the decision, but ultimately decided that she didn't really...
  2. Nifty-Chicken

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    LOL! Great question! We haven't sung it for her yet. My GF is still learning the words, and I sureasheck am not singing it. LOL! My daughter is in choir and has a nice voice (and so does her BF), so I'm asking them to sing / record it for me! :D
  3. Nifty-Chicken

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    OMG, I'm so tickled with myself. LOL! Background: My GF has taken a few songs and converted them to be about KMM. My GF also has a coworker named "Daisy", and when we hear her name, this song often comes to mind: Original Song: I thought it would be fun to make up a KMM song using that as...
  4. Nifty-Chicken

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    My GF refers to our cat as a "Queen" because of her royal personality. Tonight while she was sitting on my lap it was clear she fits the label.
  5. Nifty-Chicken

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    Blah! 2 nights ago at 2 am she brought a mole into the house. Still 100% alive. She let it go. We had to chase it all around the house and catch it. Last night at midnight she caught a rat, ran inside with the rat squeaking like crazy. We finally got her to let it go, but she'd already killed...
  6. Nifty-Chicken

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    Last time we went to the pet store we got KMM food and looked for a replacement cardboard scratcher (she LOVES them and tears them to pieces). They didn't have the one we got before, so we got the one they had in stock. We were worried it was too small for her. Turns out she seems perfectly...
  7. Nifty-Chicken

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    Step 1: Brush kitty Step 2: Put hair back on kitty
  8. Nifty-Chicken

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    I don't think so.
  9. Nifty-Chicken

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    On a bit more of a serious side... We're still very frustrated that after the initial month of trying full-time to get her acclimated and friendly to the other cats, she just wouldn't do it. We watched every video, talked to the experts, etc. and she was always such a jerk to the other cats...
  10. Nifty-Chicken

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    SUPER NEEDY UGH! ;) Last night was especially bad since we left her alone for a day, and then when we got back yesterday, we quickly got ready and went out to a b-day party and then dancing and didn't get back until late. ... so all night she was meowing at us, licking us, etc. to get...
  11. Nifty-Chicken

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    Last night while the GF and I were watching TV, KMM followed her new habit of jumping on the bed, then laying on top of me. This time I decided to fluff her floof upward (instead of how it usually goes down) and this was the result:
  12. Nifty-Chicken

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    She's doing really well. Except... just a bit overweight at 12 lbs. We've even had her on a diet the last 4-5 months, so we're wondering if she's augmenting her food with some "treats" from nature. So, she's gaining weight, but acting like she's starving: constantly sitting in front of her...
  13. Nifty-Chicken

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    Different ones, but mostly
  14. Nifty-Chicken

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    The GF always calls KMM a "Queen", so I jumped on the AI image generation bandwagon and this happened:
  15. Nifty-Chicken

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    (The GF has always loved cats way more than me... but also has the willpower to just ignore the kitty at night, so kitty basically only bothers me. I wish I possessed such strength!)
  16. Nifty-Chicken

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    She's been EXTRA needy lately... especially at night. She comes into the bedroom about 30 - 60 minutes after I've fallen asleep, then with a loud MEEEOOOW jumps up on the bed and meows/licks me until I pet her... and then she plops down against me. If I don't make room for her on "her side"...
  17. Nifty-Chicken

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    Wow, I'm allowed to give tummy pets without getting mauled and/or eviscerated!
  18. Nifty-Chicken

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    ... a few more. When your full-time job = sleeping (I guess it's SUPER draining?) anything will suffice as a pillow!
  19. Nifty-Chicken

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    Update: Vet said to keep an eye on her, which we did... and within a day or two she seemed fine. PHEW! So, she'd back to her best life... where anything is a pillow:
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