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  1. oldhenlikesdogs

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    Adorable. :)
  2. oldhenlikesdogs

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    She sure has settled in well. :love From wild kitty to queen of her castle. Gotta love cats. They always know their place is at the top. It's teaching us humans our place is as their servants that takes a while sometimes. :lol:
  3. oldhenlikesdogs

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    My cats all hate one of my females too. Just seems sometimes one is a loner unfortunately.
  4. oldhenlikesdogs

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    I'm pretty sure the Furminator has blades that cuts the hair, and isn't recommended for most breeds of dogs, not sure about cats. Never owned one though, just what I read, and what I've seen of them.
  5. oldhenlikesdogs

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    I remember back in the day when I had Persian cats that I used a hairball remedy daily. It was basically a delicious flavored form of petroleum jelly that was supposed to push stuff through. Something similar to this,
  6. oldhenlikesdogs

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    I'm always picking up various animal parts in my yard. No rhyme or reason to it. I try to keep my kitties well fed, so they don't eat them all up. The one rat ours killed they left it intact. I would not like to find whiskers like that. :oops:
  7. oldhenlikesdogs

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    I'm 6 months into my fiasco. The two kittens are still working on the Queen. I don't think she's gonna ever give in. I never knew how fickle cats can be about new cats.
  8. oldhenlikesdogs

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    Glad you found kitty. :)
  9. oldhenlikesdogs

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    And I do think @Nifty-Chicken your kitty is trying to train you to hunt by the sounds of it. :gig
  10. oldhenlikesdogs

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    Most cats play with their prey. From what I've seen they kill it by biting them in the back of the neck or even eating their heads off. Cats are one species that kills without being hungry, so sometimes they don't have the motivation to follow through, and they let things go. Females...
  11. oldhenlikesdogs

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    I agree the tub probably resembles a litter box. Does she get wormed or checked for worms? Most cats eating stuff they catch will need an occasional worming.
  12. oldhenlikesdogs

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    I wouldn't do a door either. Our 3 kitties leave their victims all over the yard for the dogs to bring in if it's necessary. :lol:
  13. oldhenlikesdogs

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    I guess it's true, having kids makes your hair fall out. She looks stressed out there. :)
  14. oldhenlikesdogs

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    Sounds like you may need a kitty door? She's a gorgeous kitty.
  15. oldhenlikesdogs

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    With cats, everything is on their terms. :lol: They own you.
  16. oldhenlikesdogs

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    She may have been afraid of her new surroundings those first few weeks. Now that she's comfortable with her new home she may be reverting back to her feral ways. Hopefully with time she will become more comfortable with her new humans. That would be my guess on the change.
  17. oldhenlikesdogs

    Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

    Wish we had a rat catching kitty here. That's pretty impressive. I'm glad she's comfortable with her new home. :)
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