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  1. cheepteach

    ⭐ Kiki's Year Long 🌶️

    yes--because you and I feel that's a priority. Lots of people don't try to overcome difficult--take out here is a treat, not the norm. So many kids in my classes lived on processed premade microwave meals or take out. Cooking at home was not the norm
  2. cheepteach

    ⭐ Kiki's Year Long 🌶️

    you'd think...I can't figure some people out
  3. cheepteach

    ⭐ Kiki's Year Long 🌶️

    when both partners work, it is a challenge to meal plan.
  4. cheepteach

    ⭐ Kiki's Year Long 🌶️

    I think a lot of families don't cook meals regularly--buy takeout or grab prepackaged food to reheat. They have nothing in pantry or fridge to make a meal from scratch, so have to scramble when disaster hits
  5. cheepteach

    ⭐ Kiki's Year Long 🌶️

    13 right now and sunny---snow coming tomorrow through Friday--5-12 inches more
  6. cheepteach

    ⭐ Kiki's Year Long 🌶️

    we have a well, electric pump. When power problems are predicted, we fill bathtub and use that water to flush toilet
  7. cheepteach

    ⭐ Kiki's Year Long 🌶️

    ....but it's so pretty? 😊
  8. cheepteach

    ⭐ Kiki's Year Long 🌶️

    my hubby is a grease hog! I treat him once in a while
  9. cheepteach

    ⭐ Kiki's Year Long 🌶️

    you can still add spices to the mix to make a savory batter for frying
  10. cheepteach

    ⭐ Kiki's Year Long 🌶️

    I have used that, but now use 1-1 flour because I always have that. 1c flour, 1 cup milk, 1 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp baking soda, 1 tbl oil, 2 large eggs. This is also good for batter dipped chicken, onion rings, etc. if you add onion powder, salt and pepper
  11. cheepteach

    ⭐ Kiki's Year Long 🌶️

    do you use a mix or 1-1 gf flour?
  12. cheepteach

    ⭐ Kiki's Year Long 🌶️

    my dog would be insulted if I expected her to dress as a human😁
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