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  1. Chuckie chicken

    Things you wish you could say

    That has become painfully obvious over the past decade or so.
  2. Chuckie chicken

    Things you wish you could say

    Sorry, I'm derailing. Things I wish I could say? ¡Oye amigo, enciende esa cosa! or... Hey buddy, get a headlight on that thing! 😳😳😳
  3. Chuckie chicken

    Things you wish you could say

    In the DR motorcycles are everywhere, and they (think) they are exempt from stop signs, red lights, and driving on the right side of the road! It took about 3 weeks before I found out that it's actually a law that riders where helmets, lol! I'd say less than 5% actually do! License plates? Who...
  4. Chuckie chicken

    Things you wish you could say

    💯 Here! 🤣 I should take some video, it's pure entertainment!
  5. Chuckie chicken

    Things you wish you could say

    Come for a drive in the DR! Stop sign? Red light? Two lanes? Blind passing? These are all things drivers here have no understanding of. They drive like this... :wee :ya :wee :celebrate
  6. Chuckie chicken

    Things you wish you could say

    So many questions... :oops: Obviously (see above) :lau Gotta love a happy ending.
  7. Chuckie chicken

    Things you wish you could say

  8. Chuckie chicken

    Things you wish you could say

    And if you get caught, don't try to outrun the cops in a 1984 Chevy Citation.
  9. Chuckie chicken

    Things you wish you could say

    That's my good side.
  10. Chuckie chicken

    Things you wish you could say

    I'm cottaging at the beach now. My SIL rented a cottage and invited us for a few days. I'd rather be home with my birds. :oops:
  11. Chuckie chicken

    Things you wish you could say

    I would too! 🤣
  12. Chuckie chicken

    Things you wish you could say

    I legit snorted when I read you snorted!
  13. Chuckie chicken

    Things you wish you could say

    Can't talk now, I've gotta run out and pick up some itunes gift cards to finally get the Canadian IRS off my back!
  14. Chuckie chicken

    Things you wish you could say

  15. Chuckie chicken

    Things you wish you could say

    Who doesn't have a warrant out for their arrest these days?
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