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  1. Debbie292d

    Things you wish you could say

    No more leaving my devices plugged in indefinitely!
  2. Debbie292d

    Things you wish you could say

    $25 is cheap! Those must've come down as I remember years ago my iPhone that was only a few months old wouldn't hold a charge. Cellcom our provider said it would have cost around $200 to replace had I not been under warranty or insurance or whatever it was I had at the time. Apple sent me a...
  3. Debbie292d

    Things you wish you could say

    What's a "puffy" battery?
  4. Debbie292d

    Things you wish you could say

    True that, but didn't we know everything back then too? I sure thought I did! ☺️
  5. Debbie292d

    Things you wish you could say

    Those in the know, know. So many kids that haven't made it past the second decade of their life, always seem to think they know more than those of us who have been on this earth for numerous decades. :confused:
  6. Debbie292d

    Things you wish you could say

    You are right; however, in discerning which chicks...I got in the habit of calling the more "newly hatched" baby chicks versus the chicks in the outdoor growout pen so hubby would know which ones I'm talking about. So if "baby chicks" leaks out in my BYC replies/posts, forgive me, but I'm old...
  7. Debbie292d

    Things you wish you could say

    Okay, so I had to Google that. Is this close? And vivarium is a movie? What does a vivarium manager do? The Manager is responsible for providing strategic leadership to the vivarium, animal research directions, renovations and development of vivarium structures, processes and efficiencies...
  8. Debbie292d

    Things you wish you could say

    I'm retired by about 7 years from the P.D. so outside of the employees, the rest I saw/interacted with were mostly "les désirables." I'll take chickens any day, then hubby when he gets home. The solace all day long is wonderful!
  9. Debbie292d

    Things you wish you could say

    Aha! When we get the umpteenth, "The neighbor's dog broke into my run and killed all of my chickens," post, outside of the usual, "Call the police," "Reinforce your fence," etc., replies, I have seen someone reply SSS and didn't know what it meant. So darned appropriate!! ☺️ Thank you!
  10. Debbie292d

    Things you wish you could say

    Me: So what do you want for Christmas? Everyone I ask: Oh nothing, I'm good. Why can't people just come up with one thing? How frustrating! Friend: So what do you want for Christmas? Me: Oh nothing, I'm good. :lau
  11. Debbie292d

    Things you wish you could say

  12. Debbie292d

    Things you wish you could say

    Because I work from home now and found leggings are so much more comfortable. They're fine in the house, but I put the leg warmers on when I go outside to do the geriatric sprint through the snow to the coop.
  13. Debbie292d

    Things you wish you could say

    We recently got a 6-month old kitten from our shelter for free. It was in the "barn cat" section unable to be adopted because she had scratched someone while holding her in a visitation room. She was fixed and had all her shots. I was amazed to see 5 other beautiful cats/kittens in the barn...
  14. Debbie292d

    Things you wish you could say

    That'd be me until I got leg warmers to put over my leggings. I have none so fancy as these, but I'll bet I have every color under the rainbow. ☺️
  15. Debbie292d

    Things you wish you could say

    That one is totally amazing, but probably where all of these geniuses learn about chickens in a couple of hours and then think they're "experts."
  16. Debbie292d

    Things you wish you could say

    I can attest to that that is one thing that gets easier with age. I can shut up and walk away from things now that before I never would.
  17. Debbie292d

    Things you wish you could say

    I was in that one long before I was here, and it's not changed much but that's one of the ones I was talking about where so many think they know it all and are so insultative as well. For example, saying you use Diatomaceous Earth gets so many knives in your back there. I stick up for those...
  18. Debbie292d

    Things you wish you could say

    It is totally. Very few will stand up to them. This is where I bet all those chicken conspiracies come from. I just block the worst of them there so I don't get angry with their lunacy.
  19. Debbie292d

    Things you wish you could say

    Been in a chicken group on Facebook lately? I could cut/paste what you just said 100 times/day. I don't go there unless I have to regarding selling/buying chicks, eggs, etc. but what I see people saying sometimes to another asking for advice makes me seriously wonder if they even have...
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