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  1. RUNuts

    Things you wish you could say

    I sympathize with you. Would you consider re-enacting it with a videographer? Mom's cast iron griddle just cracked on the new induction stove with a loud gunshot. I jumped. I smiled every time I made pancakes and thought of her. I will use one of her other cast iron pans and smile. We...
  2. RUNuts

    Things you wish you could say

    Benadryl works for more than putting kids to sleep on long car rides. unless this is a scheduling issue. If it is, it can be fixed. Our friends gave us a quick flu last week. I slept for 12 hours straight and still feel bad. But that is how I knew I caught something. If I am asleep, don't...
  3. RUNuts

    Things you wish you could say

    I worded that poorly. We have a two strikes and you are out policy. DOT regulated jobs limit your recreational options. Basically, if you won't comply, we will help you find another career. The Feds are everywhere.
  4. RUNuts

    Things you wish you could say

    I agree. You are changing a person's life. Sometimes they see it coming. Other times, they are in denial. We have a zero tolerance drug policy. You pee and fail, you get the option to rehabilitate. Other companies won't give you that option. I had a good guy choose weed over a good job.
  5. RUNuts

    Things you wish you could say

    I agree. HR sees the range of emotions. Anger, aggression, disbelief, laughter, denial. I had denial at the first one. Then I was amused. It pissed off the boss. Good. The best thing they did was send me to another job. I was not thriving there. The HR lady cried because they were...
  6. RUNuts

    Things you wish you could say

    While we blame HR, they can be helpful. It's the lawyers that make things hard. I have a lawyer and I'm not afraid to use it! I'll call your lawyer and raise you a non compete clause. Like all good tools, they can be abused. I really want to know what triggered this. Shall we place bets...
  7. RUNuts

    Things you wish you could say

    What in Hell do you want?, Devil speaking. Yes, I'd like to order a pizza with pepperoni and fungus. <Business Name>, who would you like to speak with? Kink Inc, may I have your credit card number and we will begin.
  8. RUNuts

    Things you wish you could say

    Oh, like a bicycle? Do you need a kickstand?
  9. RUNuts

    Things you wish you could say

    Who does the HR lady file a complaint with? Oh, you mean that there is a higher power? <gasp>
  10. RUNuts

    Things you wish you could say

    I think she wants to play a game.
  11. RUNuts

    Things you wish you could say

  12. RUNuts

    Things you wish you could say

    Say something profound. Intensely insightful. Applicable to the masses. Or downright hilarious. I can be bought. Do remember, that while I may be easy, I'm not cheap and I'm worth every dollar.
  13. RUNuts

    Things you wish you could say

    In theory, it sounds good. In reality, you have good bosses and coworkers that value you and your ability to disconnect. Then you have asses and coworkers who have no idea what you do, much less how to cover for you when you aren't there. I value good bosses and coworkers. I strive to be one...
  14. RUNuts

    Things you wish you could say

    Not really an issue, just send money. Lots of money, kids are expensive. So is housing, food and luxuries. I'm teaching them cars are luxuries. As are cell phones, computers and closets full of clothes. Now that they are paying for themselves, it's too easy to call Momma. :he
  15. RUNuts

    Things you wish you could say

    My children are financially independent and well adjusted members of society.
  16. RUNuts

    Things you wish you could say

    I wish I could say the squirrels haven't found AND EATEN the ripening mulberries this year. I like tree ripened mulberries...
  17. RUNuts

    Things you wish you could say

    Next step is a good throat punch. Or just leave.
  18. RUNuts

    Things you wish you could say

    It's the cycle of life, Simba.
  19. RUNuts

    Things you wish you could say

    And here I thought were you civilised! Hmp! Coffee & beer! The idea! You probably even do soy lattes. Who mixed bean juice with bean juice?
  20. RUNuts

    Things you wish you could say

    Older & sweeter. And mellowing nicely. Missed you - hope all is grand. An adventure awaits!
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