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  1. TJAnonymous

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    Haven't posted a picture in a while of our own chunk... He's so spoiled...but he does get very lonely, I think. He just craves attention. The cats keep him company once in a while.
  2. TJAnonymous

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    Well??? What happened to Feefs?
  3. TJAnonymous

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    Well, he went through a day with diarrhea (expected from the laxative) and then started eating again... Today he seemed like his normal self again. Little turd...for scaring me like that
  4. TJAnonymous

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    He looks rather put out that I won't let him out of his cage. Poor fella. I just checked his water bottle again and he hasn't drank anything all day. 😕
  5. TJAnonymous

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    I do have one of those small plastic bowls that clips to the side of the cage. I use them for quarantined chickens. I will use that for now. I don't typically use those because he chews them. His normal water bowl is metal but the plastic one will get him by for tonight.
  6. TJAnonymous

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    He does have a real water bowl but it's not in his cage because there isn't enough room. I usually just keep the water bottle in his cage and the bowl in the room he normally has free access to
  7. TJAnonymous

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    Nope... Still won't eat hay. He does eat alfalfa hay though so the vet said let him. He's finally pooping but still no peeing, eating, or drinking
  8. TJAnonymous

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    Took the buns to the new vet. They took an x-ray but other than gas didn't find anything. To be fair, he forewarned that hair is not likely to show up on an x-ray unless there is a pocket of gas around it. So they gave him a shot of antibiotics and I'm supposed to give him some laxative twice a...
  9. TJAnonymous

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    He still hasn't eaten or drank anything. Just laying in his (clean) litter box. No pee or poop. I went ahead and made an appointment with the vet at 3 pm today. They have agreed to take a look at him but I got the feeling that they don't normally see small animals. They did ask what was wrong...
  10. TJAnonymous

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    Read this about molting - Now I'm kinda worried that he's not eating. If he doesn't poop or pee by 1 pm, I'm calling the vet. I did read that rabbits may not want socialization when molting and can tend to avoid...
  11. TJAnonymous

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    Thanks Kiki... I can't remember if he acted this way the last time he was shedding. I might have to research that a little. I give him fresh food in the mornings and a little scoop of pellets in the evenings. His food bowl still has pellets so he clearly didn't eat last night either. I also...
  12. TJAnonymous

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    I locked him in his cage so I can check on him frequently. I'm going to dump his litter box so I can more easily see what his waste looks like. There's also a new vet just up the road. I might check to see if they see small animals. My normal vet only sees cats and dogs. I haven't taken Hazel to...
  13. TJAnonymous

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    Hey guys... I need some help. This morning when I went to feed Hazel, he showed zero interest in his food bowl. I thought that was odd so I went looking for him. He has access to the entire sunroom where his cage is located. I found him hiding out under the cat tree. His eyes were half closed. I...
  14. TJAnonymous

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    I don't know.... He seems awfully ornery this morning. I think those green beans were laced with ecstasy or DMT or something.... 😂 Maybe hallucinogenic toad slime....
  15. TJAnonymous

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    Anyone know what happens if you ACCIDENTALLY feed your buns some young beans (either Jade or Harvester variety)? I had brought the buns some fresh greens from the garden and forgot I had the beans in the same bundle I had the broccolini. I think he ate 1-2 of them before I realized it and took...
  16. TJAnonymous

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    It's not just limited to temperamental bunnies... I literally sleep in a pretzel shape due to all the animals snuggled around me at night.... I can't remember the last time I got to sleep next to my husband... If he tries to snuggle up to me, my cat flicks her very fluffy tail in his face. And I...
  17. TJAnonymous

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    I have thought about getting him a friend. I don't want babies or to put him through the process of getting I thought about getting another boy but was worried about bullying, etc. Last summer the cats did a pretty good job of keeping him company but I guess the novelty has worn...
  18. TJAnonymous

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    well, at the moment he's shedding so he looks very shaggy but otherwise he seems normal. He doesn't look skinny. He always comes up to me for pets when I go into the sunroom, but he doesn't really "play." I assume he might be lonely and bored. Our cats will give him company on occasion, but...
  19. TJAnonymous

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    I tried that with Hazel. Didn't work. He jumped out of the puppy pen like he was running a steeplechase....😂
  20. TJAnonymous

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    Not since last June. Maybe I need to schedule him another visit....
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