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  1. Aunt Angus

    Tab's Flock

    Check out this article about problems with eggs. It has a lot of useful info:
  2. Aunt Angus

    Tab's Flock

    I'm so sorry about Daine. I hate that part of chicken keeping. :hugs Vent gleet is pretty darn durable. What symptoms are you seeing? And treats aren't all bad in moderation. Lately, I've taken to throwing out their regular feed like I would scratch, and they go nuts. Or making them mash...
  3. Aunt Angus

    Tab's Flock

    My guy crows anytime there's a noise or something triggers the motion activated light out there. That thing will go on in a stiff breeze. I hope they get along. Everything is so much easier when the flock is happy.
  4. Aunt Angus

    Tab's Flock

    It depends on the rooster, I think. I have 12 hens for 1 rooster, Andy guy still picks his favorites and they can be a little "harassed." I have a friend who has a ratio just under yours with multiple roosters, and they do fine.
  5. Aunt Angus

    Tab's Flock

    I have had a couple of hens molt their first year, but only 2 that I can recall. This is the first year I've had so many hens quit laying. My ducks and my 2 Silkies are still laying like crazy, but no one else is. Have you ever used supplemental light? I've not because I'm not that worried...
  6. Aunt Angus

    Tab's Flock

    Lovely chickens, Tab!!! Really beautiful! Is it possible they are molting? I have 8 laying hens, but only two are laying because the rest are molting. And it's winter - not enough daylight hours.
  7. Aunt Angus

    Tab's Flock

    It's worth a try! Yes - they do growl! Here's my first broody:
  8. Aunt Angus

    Tab's Flock

    Breaking them is better, imo, than letting them brood. They lose weight and lose feathers. They are more susceptible to mites. And they don't lay that whole time.
  9. Aunt Angus

    Tab's Flock

    If you don't want her to be broody, you'll probably have to break her. Most folks do it by putting them in a dog crate with food and water, something to perch on (luke a piece of wood), and no bedding at all. Leave the crate in the coop, and leave them in the crate for a day or two. The idea is...
  10. Aunt Angus

    Tab's Flock

    Lemme also warn you about duckies. They're awesome! But they're MESSY. They double in size in days. Literally. And they are ridiculously messy with water. No matter what I tried, those little darlings managed to make a huge, stinky, sloppy mess. I had to clean that brooder out 3x a day to keep...
  11. Aunt Angus

    Tab's Flock

    Oh - and I oughtta warn you: I started with 4. I now have 12. And 4 ducks. And 4 goats. And I'm thinking about getting a turkey and maybe some geese. It's a slippery slope from here, my friend.
  12. Aunt Angus

    Tab's Flock

    Looking forward to it! I'm a Bay Area refugee (that's what they call us out here in the Sierra Foothills). From the East Bay originally. Hubby is from the Jo. Pleaded to meet a fellow Golden Stater!
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