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  1. RosemaryDuck

    Are these emu eggs fertile? Hatchalong

    Congratulations!! 😁 So would this one be 'het' for albino?
  2. RosemaryDuck

    Are these emu eggs fertile? Hatchalong

    Wait how much time do these little dudes have again? So exciting!! 😱
  3. RosemaryDuck

    Are these emu eggs fertile? Hatchalong

    So sorry you lost this little one. I hope this doesn't sound rude, but thank you for giving them over to a practicing taxidermist. Taxidermy has a special place in my heart and it makes me so happy (obviously not for the death), but that you're helping someone pursue it. Kudos to you!
  4. RosemaryDuck

    Are these emu eggs fertile? Hatchalong

    I don't know if it would be as easy to clean, but Amazon sells washable maternity pads (made for pregnant dogs) that you could place in there. It's like $20 for 2 large ones. In theory you could buy a few packs, then just take out and wash the ones that get dirty and replace them and so on 😁.
  5. RosemaryDuck

    Are these emu eggs fertile? Hatchalong

    This is completely unrelated to the actual emus, but may I ask what eggshell DNA service you used to get genders? I've got some ducks hatching currently and would love to use it!
  6. RosemaryDuck

    Are these emu eggs fertile? Hatchalong

    Do they need to settle for 24 hours like chicken/duck eggs? I hope everything goes well!!! Fingers crossed for more dinosaurs! 😁
  7. RosemaryDuck

    Are these emu eggs fertile? Hatchalong

    Just a random thing, but if you're bidding through eBay make sure you're there when the count down is ending. A lot of people use auction snipers that steal the bid out from under you with 1-2 seconds to spare. I've lost many an eBay bid that way!
  8. RosemaryDuck

    Are these emu eggs fertile? Hatchalong

    The little dinosaur feet!! 😭♥️
  9. RosemaryDuck

    Are these emu eggs fertile? Hatchalong

    Was just researching and it says they can lay up to 50!! Who knows, maybe she's got another 20 in there! 😅
  10. RosemaryDuck

    Are these emu eggs fertile? Hatchalong

    Sorry if I missed the post, but did this little one hatch the rest of the way on its own after you assisted or did you do a full assist? Either way great job!! That's one adorable little baby emu!
  11. RosemaryDuck

    Are these emu eggs fertile? Hatchalong

    The suspense!! Can't wait to see them hatch! Make sure to post lots and lots of pictures 😅.
  12. RosemaryDuck

    Are these emu eggs fertile? Hatchalong

    With ducklings and chicks I know they can stay in the incubator while the others are hatching (and in some cases even help their siblings by shaking them around). In this case do you remove the emus as they hatch to avoid overcrowding/egg smashing? Thanks again for keeping this thread updated...
  13. RosemaryDuck

    Are these emu eggs fertile? Hatchalong

    Hey, I do it even with chicken eggs and duck eggs. I'll sit at the incubator staring holes into them thinking "was that a wiggle or did I bump the bator?" 😂.
  14. RosemaryDuck

    Are these emu eggs fertile? Hatchalong

    Do the emus do any 'guarding' for the flock, kind of like geese do? I imagine just them being there is enough to scare even some larger predators from attacking the flock. They look like dinosaurs! 😅
  15. RosemaryDuck

    Are these emu eggs fertile? Hatchalong

    This thread is so exciting! Just curious, as I have never raised emus, but do you candle these at all? I imagine they're pretty thick and hard to see into. Best of luck to you with the hatch! ♥️
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