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  1. C

    Pet Peeves

    Thank you. I tried to do my best, but I know I made plenty of mistakes. There are some things I would love to have the chance to do over....
  2. C

    Pet Peeves

    Thank you for this reminder. Different dialects and different regions of the country or world! They add a lot of "flavor and spice" to the world, don't they? They can enrich us if we let them. There are some words that are pronounced differently in one region than they are in another. Sometimes...
  3. C

    Pet Peeves

    I agree. I know that there are people for whom English is not a native language. I wish I knew another language. If I did, I'm sure I'd make mistakes. Also, as a former English teacher, I know that not everyone has the same skills in English. This can be due to differing factors. I would not...
  4. C

    Pet Peeves

    I also have to be careful what soaps I use for washing my hands or dishes in the winter. I've found that "natural" soaps like they sell in health food stores (sometimes more becoming available in Walmart, etc.) work better than regular dish soap. My thumbs haven't developed that crack by the...
  5. C

    Pet Peeves

    I understand what you mean. I also know the other side of it too.... People who have never experienced serious issues with their health (physically or mentally) do not understand how serious and (at times) how debilitating those issues are and therefore think people are faking or that it's "all...
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