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  1. Feathyr

    Pet Peeves

    People with a victim's mentality, especially coworkers. I have to watch my back.
  2. Feathyr

    Pet Peeves

    At least it makes for some entertaining stories! :rolleyes: I attract two types: creepy old men and hippie dudes. (There was also a few highschoolers, which was awkward.) It got bad enough that one of my coworkers literally introduced me to her friends as, "This is [Feathyr], she's a queen and...
  3. Feathyr

    Pet Peeves

    In my soul. :( No art medium can hurt me now. I'm emotionally numb.
  4. Feathyr

    Pet Peeves

    Haha, they're exactly who I had in mind. I have a love-hate relationship with that brand.
  5. Feathyr

    Pet Peeves

    Yeah, but a lot of people just don't have the proper touch for it these days. :( They don't put much effort into it. No professionalism. And I feel you on the markers, man. Same goes for artists' pencils that have broken leads before you even use 'em...
  6. Feathyr

    Pet Peeves

    I'm guilty as charged, but hear me out: People replying to threads with complete and utter nonsense that has nothing to do with the topic. Random crap-posting. This isn't limited to BYC, either. Don't get me wrong, I'm not innocent - I was online during the 2000s', when being completely random...
  7. Feathyr

    Pet Peeves

    I don't think most of them realize that lol.
  8. Feathyr

    Pet Peeves

    Speaking of mullets... ...Why the hell does my generation think this is a cool hairstyle? Just because it was in the '80s doesn't mean it was a good idea!
  9. Feathyr

    Pet Peeves

    That's an excellent idea, thank you! I've used Golden products for several years and have never been disappointed in them. Don't have any medium on hand at the moment, but if you'll excuse me I think I'm off to make an order...
  10. Feathyr

    Pet Peeves

    Sorry guys, got to derail the thread for a moment: Apologies for the late response; got busy and lost this post. It was acrylics on wood. I ended up throwing it (and the masking fluid) out as the fluid didn't set properly. It left a nasty residue that just wouldn't dry (or peel, for that...
  11. Feathyr

    Pet Peeves

    So, I'm working on an art project. I also have a bottle of masking fluid. Masking fluid is, essentially, liquid rubber latex that you use to protect parts of a painting (i.e., highlights) when working on them. You shouldn't shake it, because the latex will form into a giant rubber blob and...
  12. Feathyr

    Pet Peeves

    That mindset is frighteningly common among adults, too. I can't tell you the number of times in my life that I've been shamed for having forearm hair, big feet, a small (borderline flat) chest, a 'deep' voice, not wearing makeup, being slightly muscular, and 'too thin'. The sources ranged from...
  13. Feathyr

    Pet Peeves

    You've got two?! Lucky. I've only got one. :(
  14. Feathyr

    Pet Peeves

    People assuming they know your political or social views based on your music taste. Just because I'm a fan of so-and-so's music does NOT mean I share or endorse their viewpoints.
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