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  1. NC_Quail

    Pet Peeves

    When my free range chickens have to stay in the coop one day and they feel the need to scream the whole day to remind me of this terrible injustice. 🙄 fortunately, the eggs make it worth it!
  2. NC_Quail

    Pet Peeves

    Pet peeve… people who talk for a really long time on the phone
  3. NC_Quail

    Pet Peeves

    The car in that GIF is the same as my dad’s car! :eek:
  4. NC_Quail

    Pet Peeves

    Remind me not to park next to Isadora 😬
  5. NC_Quail

    Pet Peeves

    Other person: “how did these footprints get on my car? 🤔”:lau
  6. NC_Quail

    Pet Peeves

    I agree with you. If people are so worried about it, maybe they should consider using an outhouse? :confused:
  7. NC_Quail

    Pet Peeves

    Yeah, or people who sneeze really loud and scare the crap out of everyone!
  8. NC_Quail

    Pet Peeves

    Another pet peeve…smudging my glasses. Especially when I can’t find a cleaning cloth! :barnie
  9. NC_Quail

    Pet Peeves

    My mom can’t handle complicated movies, she gets lost. For example, we were watching Lord of the Rings a few nights ago and my mom was like “Wait, what’s going on? Who is this Legoland guy?“ (It’s Legolas…)
  10. NC_Quail

    Pet Peeves

    Questions like “how did they film that scene?” “Is that computer generated?”. My mom always asks stupid questions about the plot.
  11. NC_Quail

    Pet Peeves

    Yeah, I am that person who asks 30,000 questions during a movie 😬
  12. NC_Quail

    Pet Peeves

    Yes! Or when there is water on the counter and you need to use the sink, and you lean against the counter and get your shirt wet…:mad:
  13. NC_Quail

    Pet Peeves

    It’s even worse when men wear really tight jeans 😬.
  14. NC_Quail

    Pet Peeves

    Also, when my mom decides she need to put a plant in a new pot, and does it in the kitchen sink so dirt gets all over the counter and clogs the sink drain. Just do your gardening outside! Or at least clean up the dirt!
  15. NC_Quail

    Pet Peeves

    When someone says “let’s flesh this out”. Ugh, why does flesh have to be involved? Brings up so many gross images in my mind! :sick
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