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  1. C

    Pet Peeves

    My wife is trying to cudgel me into getting her a Lab puppy. I am pretty much done with Labs but may entertain the ideal of a "Yellow" Lab. But she is only interested in a "Chocolate" Lab. I also like the bigger heavier more raucous Mer'can Lab and she likes the skinnier more snobbish English...
  2. C

    Pet Peeves

    Are those Cochins. Look a bit different. One of each maybe?
  3. C

    Pet Peeves

    What is that old saying? If we all liked the same thing; we would all be fighting over the same woman/man.
  4. C

    Pet Peeves

    don't women just hover anyway?
  5. C

    Pet Peeves

    My greatest pet peeve (s) is with myself. I know after having read all y'alls pet peeves, i can never be around you, because i would undoubtedly be pushing those buttons. Sorry. I just could not help myself.
  6. C

    Pet Peeves

    Not sure that qualifies as a pet peeve. I think they have medication for
  7. C

    Pet Peeves

    I married your husband's female dopple
  8. C

    Pet Peeves

    pretty birds
  9. C

    Pet Peeves

    I have never bit my nails except to tear off a broken piece that will not go back into a glove or something. I have however been known to use my teeth to clean the grease, dirt, compost, manure, and chicken poop out from under my nails.
  10. C

    Pet Peeves

    LOL. is that a breed? Or a color and size of a breed?
  11. C

    Pet Peeves

    Not sure it is only a southern thing. I worked in the southern hu desert of California. When i got to work some mornings there would be icicles hanging from the eaves. Shorts hoodie and a jacket to start, but by lunch break i would be in shorts and tank top.
  12. C

    Pet Peeves

    Lol... I guess i just have a thing for fat blondes.
  13. C

    Pet Peeves

    I will figure this out if you can help me figure out how to get my wife to scrape the half she didn't eat out of the bowl into the trash.
  14. C

    Pet Peeves

    cuz i think blue, black, red, white, splash or 99.9% of the rest of the colors are ugly chickens. So i want BUFF Orpingtons. ONLY
  15. C

    Pet Peeves

    Or, "them ones"
  16. C

    Pet Peeves

    I did that every winter since 1989
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