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  1. gimmie birdies

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    I have eggs in the incubator from July hatch.
  2. gimmie birdies

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    I love blue frizzles. Here is one of mine from years back. And another I had. The have both passed on though. They lived long lives.
  3. gimmie birdies

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    I have hens that were hatched in May, and some from July. I have one I am looking forward to her laying...she is a steel egger. And I just got a rooster, but he is shy yet. he is 8 months old.
  4. gimmie birdies

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    I had so many eggs because the lady who normally buys them is on vaca. I did sell some to a neighbor, to lighten our load.
  5. gimmie birdies

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    The broken windows are all covered and snow up to you hips now. My May hens are laying eggs like crazy, I get a doz a day, if my July hens start to lay, I may not know because the eggs would all blend in. Below is 6 days worth... And my newest egg...
  6. gimmie birdies

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    A local person said she had an owl that broke a window to get to the chickens. I also saw a video on you tube of an owl that broke a window to get to chickens.
  7. gimmie birdies

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    I had straight run and others ordered from Meyer in July, These are some of them. Anyhow, something had broken a window I was using as a door the other day, (the open area above) Missing pullets, of course... I covered it with a board using eyehooks and zipties. This morning a diff window was...
  8. gimmie birdies

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    I have all my babies, I added some that were 2 months older but were low on the pecking order. (and the same size as the young ones. But healthy.)
  9. gimmie birdies

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    mine are 2 and or 3 weeks. They are flapping quite a bit, I put them in a diff brooder. I still have all 28.
  10. gimmie birdies

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    My chicks are 3 weeks old now? IDK, but, here is a pic of them with the tiny polish, who is 9 or 10 weeks? She was a failure to grow, so I kept her with the babies when they shipped. they are catching up to her size wise. It is hot today.
  11. gimmie birdies

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    I put together an outside pen and was going to move the babies, and when they were all in a box I wanted to get a pic of the "beeball". 28 17 from Meyers last week 6 from my hatch 5 from Meyers this week.
  12. gimmie birdies

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    I have had New hamp's before. I am not a red bird fan myself- (SS are more burgandy). Also my first hens I had were australorps, and one was top hen. She had a aussy hench hen. About 7 years in the hench hen died, and the NH waiting in the wings stepped up and was grooming the head Aussy hen...
  13. gimmie birdies

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    UT- I hear you can request "no crested breeds", but I didn't want to do that because I would have liked spitzenhaubens.
  14. gimmie birdies

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    Of course I would never tell the polish they were unwanted.
  15. gimmie birdies

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    Back to the rare- I could have gotten just plain white egg layers and saved .13 a bird!
  16. gimmie birdies

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    Exchequer leghorn And the polish again
  17. gimmie birdies

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    They always send a polish in the rare assortment. I am always hoping for something extra special behind curtain number 2. Although I did get a banded blue orpington recently in the adopt me section. Below are what I ordered 3 Speckled Sussex, and 2 rare, one Ancona and one, Surprise polish. (I...
  18. gimmie birdies

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    I am going to pick up Female Meyer chicks from the post office in an hr or so. (5) Three will be SS, 2 are rare breed selection. Does anyone wanna guess what they send in the rare breed? I would love LO, and or Frizzle EE, or AC. I know that is pie in the sky, what do you think?
  19. gimmie birdies

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    May roosters.
  20. gimmie birdies

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    The weather is too warm to process chickens, and I keep making up excuses, but I will take a stab at it next week.
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