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  1. BrandonsBirbs

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    I wish for this to replace my Entry #1. Thank you.
  2. BrandonsBirbs

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    Is it possible to cancel entries if I have taken a better photo now? Thanks in advance.
  3. BrandonsBirbs

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    Entry 4 - Local residents All my photos were taken from a gorgeous lake near to my house, there are 4-6 cygnets every year and always SO MANY ducks! Also a lot of gulls too 🙄
  4. BrandonsBirbs

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    Entry 3 - Coot chick with parents
  5. BrandonsBirbs

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    Entry 2 - A cygnet posing for a photo
  6. BrandonsBirbs

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    Entry 1 - Daddy swan flapping his wings to scare the ducks away from his cygnets. Excuse my photo quality, I'm not very good!
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