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  1. StinkyAcres

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    Thanks! Your snake photo is incredible! Well-deserved! :highfive:
  2. StinkyAcres

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    Congratulations everybody! Awesome shots!!
  3. StinkyAcres

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    That's actually an Anhinga!
  4. StinkyAcres

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    Entry #4: Mourning Doves, parent with juvenile
  5. StinkyAcres

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    Entry #3: Chilly chipmunk
  6. StinkyAcres

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    It's better than great. It's amazing, especially with that gear.
  7. StinkyAcres

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    I'm afraid that's a Brown-headed Cowbird, a brood parasite. I'm assuming it's being raised by the Chipping Sparrows. Very cute, though.
  8. StinkyAcres

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    It's just the best photo ever, that's all...
  9. StinkyAcres

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    Entry #2: Halloween Pennant dragonfly
  10. StinkyAcres

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    Entry #1: Tiger Swallowtail
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