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  1. BarnyardChaos

    Dry hatch VS incubator instructions

    @TillyD Just reporting here that I have one chick with issues, hatched this morning in the still-air incubator, dry-hatch method. Still waiting for 11 more eggs to hatch of 34 total. This chick has what looks like a bloody mass hanging from its navel, which hasn't closed up yet. Here's a link...
  2. BarnyardChaos

    Dry hatch VS incubator instructions

    Hatch is coming along nicely, I think. Seventeen in the brooder doing great - but 17 still in the shell, some in progress pipping or zipping. Getting anxious about the rest. I'm trying to keep the humidity constant 70-80%, but it's a struggle. Having to adjust the window openings to vent...
  3. BarnyardChaos

    Dry hatch VS incubator instructions

    @TillyD Our hatch is starting! It's Day 20, and I woke up this morning to find one already hatched! Some of the other 33 eggs are moving, some are pipped, but no other progress today. I hadn't expected anything until tomorrow. These are in the Little Giant, dry hatch method. Here's our early...
  4. BarnyardChaos

    Dry hatch VS incubator instructions

    I will report back to this thread soon... I have 34 eggs due to hatch on Fri Aug 5th, using the dry-hatch method in a Little Giant foam incubator. This is the first time I've tried it, driven to find out what the heck is wrong with this incubator that previously most of the chicks died after pip...
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