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  1. mowin

    Aggressive rabbits attacking chickens

    First thing I thought of was Monty Python. Lol
  2. mowin

    Aggressive rabbits attacking chickens

    She posted a pic of the type of rabbit, and it looks like a cottontail to me.
  3. mowin

    Aggressive rabbits attacking chickens

    Rabbits around here are very skittish, for good reason. Something is always trying to eat them. Hawks, fox, coyote, bobcats, ECT. Their practically scared of their own shadow. The deer here have no problem eating shrubs next to a house. Its a huge issue in my area. They do thousands of dollars...
  4. mowin

    Aggressive rabbits attacking chickens

    That's a cottontail rabbit. Same most of the US have. Any veggie garden has to be fenced in. The rabbits, deer, woodchucks will destroy it otherwise. I guess I can see if the area is so over populated and food is scarce that some issues could arise. Around here, the larger predators take...
  5. mowin

    Aggressive rabbits attacking chickens

    What area do you live in? Would help us determine what types of bunnies you have. The most common is the cottontail. Named for, well it's cotton ball like tail.
  6. mowin

    Aggressive rabbits attacking chickens

    I mean I'm not quite buying it. Just can't see wild rabbits as aggressors. Are we talking cottontail, jackrabbits, snowshoe? Cottontail, I'd have to see it with my own eyes to believe it. No experience with jackrabbit and limited with snowshoe.
  7. mowin

    Aggressive rabbits attacking chickens

    Domestic rabbits, absolutely. Wild ones, I'm skeptical.
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