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  1. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 09-30-22 Pic by Noah P

    Overo Mare Congrats!!! 👏 🥳
  2. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 09-30-22 Pic by Noah P

    "Hi Human Mama!!! Ooooh, you got treats! Yum yum!" (Eats the treats) No don't leave yet, I know there's no more treats, I want to thank you, gimme some snuggle time & baby smootches." Human mama..."Awww, Love ya sweetie 😘 "
  3. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 09-30-22 Pic by Noah P

    "I'm the inspector. Inspected the coop construction progress, Inspect how you're treating my chicks, Now Inspecting what you've got there in your hand...I'm tellin ya now, it better be food & it better be good!"
  4. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 09-30-22 Pic by Noah P

    "Oooh what's that gadget you're holding? Does it give out treats? Hey, I can see myself! Darn I'm good lookin!!"
  5. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 09-30-22 Pic by Noah P

    (Don't mind me, I've got chickens on the fact, there's my brain right there, in the yard, right beside my chicken coop, see? Ok here's the caption, forgive my off topic ramblings lately) "Good grief! Where in chicken tarnation did you get THAT?! Human, we truly do appreciate your...
  6. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 09-30-22 Pic by Noah P

    Not caption That's a good idea, watch John Wayne when ya can't sleep 3am, already went out with a flashlight to check my flock, wow is this remnants of a hurricane here? wind howling & lotsa rain outside, stinkbug is zooming around the kitchen hiding in the darn ceiling light fixture when it...
  7. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 09-30-22 Pic by Noah P

    "I ain’t gonna take this crap anymore & no one's gonna make me!"
  8. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 09-30-22 Pic by Noah P

    Not caption Actually I found out Wed or Thurs, well just recently, I got an xray after already working & doing chores in pain the past 3 weeks, that I somehow fractured some ribs, go figure. Anyway, doc gave me some medicine that made me a bit loopy. I don't like being loopy, I ain't gonna take...
  9. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 09-30-22 Pic by Noah P

    Not a caption Stink bugs, flies, angry yellow jackets 🙄 Constantly walking into new Spider webs 😆 Yup, season is changing
  10. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 09-30-22 Pic by Noah P

    (Not a caption) Sorry, couldn't resist. Stink bugs are driving us nuts trying to sneak indoors with the cooler nights lately...guess bugs are on the brain.
  11. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 09-30-22 Pic by Noah P

    "If long necks are a sign of beauty, I am gorgeous!"
  12. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 09-30-22 Pic by Noah P

    "Dude...I hate to be the one to tell ya...but You Stink!"
  13. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 09-30-22 Pic by Noah P

    "Who is that? Let me get a closer look. Oh no! Run for your lives!! It's the Assassin!!!"
  14. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 09-30-22 Pic by Noah P

    (Not a caption) I can't recall who posted this, but their rooster was peeking through a fence hole, watching the Human doing the chicken chores...your caption made me laugh & remember this pic, it's so cool I had to save it to my phone.
  15. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 09-30-22 Pic by Noah P

    "What? Are you crazy? I'm not gonna peck at that...It's looking back at me! Plus it resembles Aunt Edna!!"
  16. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 09-30-22 Pic by Noah P

    "Oooooh, what's that on your leg? Very colorful! It looks delicious! Let me have a few pecks to check it out"
  17. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 09-30-22 Pic by Noah P

    "Henny, I can appreciate what you're doin...imitation is a form of flattery. But I gotta tell ya, I Am The Original Peeping Tom."
  18. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 09-30-22 Pic by Noah P

    My, my, my, I sure do spy, Something yummy, but high... Ooooh, windowsill pie? Delicious to my eye! 🥧 I'm not shy, I'm kinda sly, I'm gonna try, Jump for the sky! Oh, no! (sad sigh) Why, oh why? I'm gonna cry! Did someone just move my pie? It's no lie, I was standing by, For a peck of that pie...
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