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  1. dreamofwinter

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    Yeah, after a closer look last night, I think culling is the right answer, as hard as it will be. The eyes and eyelids are formed incorrectly and it's clear the poor little chick is at a loss for what to do. Thank you for weighing in - I really appreciate the second opinion.
  2. dreamofwinter

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    That's what it seems like when I look closely at it, but I didn't have any luck soaking/softening it. It's like that on both sides. I'll try again in the morning - babies and I are exhausted and I worry I'll do more harm than good tonight.
  3. dreamofwinter

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    All nine of mine are out. What a fun bunch! Here's a photo of the first to hatch - isn't she a beautiful color? Can't wait to see how she grows up. I also ended up with at least one who is lavender-ish. I do have a lavender cockerel but didn't think it would carry through on any of my hens...
  4. dreamofwinter

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    The first one hatched last night at 9:45pm and by the time I got up this morning (after checking on them more than once overnight as well) there were five! I've moved the three driest ones to the brooder. the last four eggs have all pipped. Pics: I'm intrigued by the colors of some of these...
  5. dreamofwinter

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    Five pips and lots of peeping, but not much else happening. This is like waiting for water to boil... for hours! 😆 I'm glad this group exists so that I'm not driving my non-chicken friends nuts.
  6. dreamofwinter

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    Three pips, all located well into the air cells, and some peeping, but no action other than that. Considering it's just now Day 20 based on when they went in, I figure these chicks are just going to take their time. I do think it's funny that the three who have pipped are from my two...
  7. dreamofwinter

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    Day 20 and here's our first pip! I'm very excited :D The air cells had all drawn down when I very cautiously candled last night without moving the eggs - did not draw new lines for obv reasons, but that pip is within the air cell. In fact I suspected this would be the first, because last night I...
  8. dreamofwinter

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    Day 18! Aaaaahhhh! I've been worried about air cells on a couple of eggs - apparently one of my Buff Orp hens lays really sturdy impermeable eggs because those two have much less air cell growth. All of them seemed small when I candled a few days ago so I've been running humidity lower than 40%...
  9. dreamofwinter

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    Day 12... I've got 10 lively embryos and one probably dead, haven't seen movement and see possible blood ring. I'll check again tonight and pull it unless I see it actively moving. I set 13 to hatch thinking, my boys are young and my hens don't like them much, there's no way these will all...
  10. dreamofwinter

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    I'm failing at updating because work and life have been craaaazy! However, I candled on Day 7 and found 9 for sure good and 2 possible. I candled again yesterday (day 10? I really ought to get Hatchkeeper) and confirmed 2 clear, which I removed. I also found one that might have had the start of...
  11. dreamofwinter

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    I candled last night and saw 5 that are for sure developing. Very exciting since these are from my own flock and my cockerels are still learning their job. I'll candle again on day 7 and remove any obvious clears. It was really exciting to see obvious embryo formation! The only other time I've...
  12. dreamofwinter

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    Thank you! That's what I thought but then my newbie brain started second-guessing.
  13. dreamofwinter

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    Help me out with my days math here... calendar stuff always defeats me. If I put the eggs in on Weds 2/1, is today Day 4? Or Day 5?
  14. dreamofwinter

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    Interesting! Mine have more space than that, and we recently added more vertical options. I've never once seen the cockerels be aggressive to each other, so they're probably fine. My main reason for taking Potato, the head boy (Chocolate Orp) out is because he's rough on the girls still and I...
  15. dreamofwinter

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    Two are crowing - the Black Orpington and the Chocolate Orpington. The Lavender knows he's lowest ranked and keeps his mouth shut and stays out of the way. I've had multiple boys before and definitely know how rough they can get. These guys have lots of space and on days when they need to be...
  16. dreamofwinter

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    Joining as I set my first ever batch of eggs today. I'm excited to see how it goes! But also trying to be realistic - my cockerels are young and enthusiastic (sometimes too much so, see my other recent thread about a hen injury, and another one seems to be in love with one of my duck hens, to...
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