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  1. Egghead_Jr

    Dual purpose breed choice

    To attempt to contact people, some of whom are breeders and others hatchery type. You know by how many breeds they have. I'd not purchase anything from someone with more than 4 or 5 poultry types. Above is a link to NPIP by state. Click...
  2. Egghead_Jr

    Dual purpose breed choice This is the one I find today. Thought when I looked last time there was a place near IL border? Dunno. Never saved the previous link. I'll look at the NPIP registry in your area... BURCH, LYNN ,N991...
  3. Egghead_Jr

    Dual purpose breed choice

    BTW, it's a misnomer that Deleware were the meat breed of their day. They were born of the meat industry but not used in it. The large framed Barred Plymouth was crossed with the faster fleshing New Hampshire to make broilers for the meat industry. This cross results in white sports now and...
  4. Egghead_Jr

    Dual purpose breed choice

    Bielfelder don't lay 300 eggs per year. Though they do lay over 200 which is like New Hampshire and excellent for dual purpose birds. You should think more on your goals and needs before choosing a breed. Many are good and there are many variations to consider. For instance winter laying...
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