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  1. U_Stormcrow

    Can I get feedback on this homemade feed recipe?

    You are a treasure. Happy to have brought a smile.
  2. U_Stormcrow

    Can I get feedback on this homemade feed recipe?

    Because phosphorus acts as a calcium buffer, and people following my culling thread and comments elsewhere know I feed my birds in ways I don't personally recommend to others - my roos get too much calcium. Also, most biological processes (apart from shell production) use CA : P at a 2:1 ratio...
  3. U_Stormcrow

    Can I get feedback on this homemade feed recipe?

    Yes, young birds and meaties (young, very fast growing birds) need more, sometimes much more. I target .5 Met and 1.1 Lys for my mixed flock - but those aren't numbers you find in typical off the shelf feeds.. .4 Met and .7-.8Lys you have a lot of options. I also like a higher phosphorus...
  4. U_Stormcrow

    Can I get feedback on this homemade feed recipe?

    50 years ago, they weren't fed just corn. Most of the recipes from those books produce rations better than what I see floating around facebook, and were intended for methods of managment (often free ranging) many modern chicken keepers don't enjoy. Modern chickens also grow larger, faster, and...
  5. U_Stormcrow

    Can I get feedback on this homemade feed recipe?

    When you look, it helps to understand what Met and Lys are for. Methionine is associated with connective tissues - its hugely important for a host of reasons, but begin by thinking skin, tendons, DIGESTIVE Tract. Also, you can't build a protein w/o Met, so if you don't get enough Met, extra...
  6. U_Stormcrow

    Can I get feedback on this homemade feed recipe?

    Modesto Milling outside your intended price range, but no objections. A few things that don't benefit the chickens in the ingredients list, but the nutrition is mostly solid. Not a lot of feedback here on BYC about it, for whatever reason. Maybe Kalmbach advertises better??? Same with their...
  7. U_Stormcrow

    Can I get feedback on this homemade feed recipe?

    My ego needs no inflation, thank you. :lau and my IQ is often more trouble than benefit. (I can be wrong faster than almost anyone else! generally with greater confidence, as well.) Have a great evening all, I'm going to go consume a book.
  8. U_Stormcrow

    Can I get feedback on this homemade feed recipe?

    Not going to happen, sorry. Soy is one of the few plant sources which are high in methionine. Its about the only nearly complete protein in the plant world. Soy meal (basically, soybeans processed to remove most of the oil) is a byproduct of soybean oil pruduction which is high protein, low...
  9. U_Stormcrow

    Can I get feedback on this homemade feed recipe?

    Answers) I spent time on BYC and did some outside reading. ;) BSFL is hugely expensive. Dried, its a concentrated fat, concentrated protein source and a decent source of both calcium and phosphorus Live, they are mostly water, so 11# of which makes a huge difference in the outcome. The insect...
  10. U_Stormcrow

    Can I get feedback on this homemade feed recipe?

    Yeah, don't. I'm going to assume soft wheat. Hard wheat is higher protein, more expensive, mostly nutritionally better across the board. That's a LOT of field peas - they have some antinutritional factors you need to consider. Oats too, mostly beta-glucans. Flaxseed is damned expensive, and...
  11. U_Stormcrow

    Can I get feedback on this homemade feed recipe?

    I'm also not a huge fan of make at home recipes (if its not obvious from this thread, it will be as you run across more of my posts), and I think focus on crude protein alone reflects a level of understanding that even our great great great grandparents had exceeded in practice, even if they...
  12. U_Stormcrow

    Can I get feedback on this homemade feed recipe?

    I did share it (hadn't really thought things thru) in another thread, you can search for it. I'm not linking it for a couple of reasons. One, I think far more is learned in researching to understand enough in order to build one for yourself, than in simply using the work of others. Two, it...
  13. U_Stormcrow

    Can I get feedback on this homemade feed recipe?

    Use it up. It's not getting any fresher.
  14. U_Stormcrow

    Can I get feedback on this homemade feed recipe?

    Answer: ( I used Fertrell's Fish Meal for those numbers, its readily available and has a good label in terms of its nutritional breakdown. I also used a lower protein kelp meal, there's significant variation in that, I assume you are including primarily for micronutrients. Finally, I used whole...
  15. U_Stormcrow

    Can I get feedback on this homemade feed recipe?

    If you @ me, like hey @U_Stormcrow can you take a peek at this? I'll run it thru my calculator in the AM. Which kelp meal are you using, there's some variation there. Same with the fish meal. Also, there are no "half" parts. That's: Alfalfa meal (2 part) Fish meal (2 part) Flax seed (1...
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