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  1. ChickNanny13

    TSC Chicks being stolen all over the place? Can't find them anywhere!

    Wow, neither have I. Where did you order yours from? A friend orders from McMurry, they just come in a "flat" box with some shavings.
  2. ChickNanny13

    TSC Chicks being stolen all over the place? Can't find them anywhere!

    Our PO here you need to show ID ... Once a friend couln't make it the plan was for me to go with her ID & note, last minute she was able to go so that was something we never tried.
  3. ChickNanny13

    TSC Chicks being stolen all over the place? Can't find them anywhere!

    Reason the box the chicks are shipped it is "stuffed" is to keep the warm (body heat) and from too much slouching around. But I do agree it is "tight" and some do get trampled ... LF chicks should NOT be shipped with bantams, size difference ... IMO
  4. ChickNanny13

    TSC Chicks being stolen all over the place? Can't find them anywhere!

    Where are you located? When the TSC here (Big Island/HI) gets chicks in, they are in those metal water trough in a fenced in area that only a the person in charge of the chicks goes in when someone purchases ... Been this way for years & it's a good idea for safety but never thought of theft...
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