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  1. Alagirl

    Commercial Poison (err... "Feed")

    yes, I do agree. I get a problem when you mention science and facts in certain circles that don't jive with the popular narrative, and suddenly you are a big fat meany. or when the process is not fully thought out. We had a 'friend' who got a really good deal on a huge number of tuna in a...
  2. Alagirl

    Commercial Poison (err... "Feed")

    Like I said: This is getting past the scope of BYC, I believe. However, the wars of the last 100 (+) years have been a long time in the making. None of them were a surprise. I think the pandemic is a better example though. And shockingly we (as in the 4 conglomerates that control global...
  3. Alagirl

    Commercial Poison (err... "Feed")

    It isn't a bad thing to have supplies for a month on hand, or in bad weather situations. Around here people storm the store for bread and milk, stuff that spoils when the power is out.... It is good to have some perishable goods in the pantry, for when the money gets tight. Shelf life of most...
  4. Alagirl

    Commercial Poison (err... "Feed")

    there are more nuances involved as well, but those would go against community standards. :) However, there should be science behind both, at least in action. Like seed saving, food conservation, animal husbandry. I see either existing well within the realm of solid scientific knowledge. Much...
  5. Alagirl

    Commercial Poison (err... "Feed")

    well, I said 'most' and the small local mill is a dying entity in most parts. never mind that they would have a lab on-site. Because delays cost more than a technician on the payroll.
  6. Alagirl

    Commercial Poison (err... "Feed")

    LOL Now that is funny. Not HAHA funny, but a giggle's worth. Sadly it is also true. I mean, if they believed the science, they would not be conspiracy nuts (nor preppers or survivalists)
  7. Alagirl

    Commercial Poison (err... "Feed")

    I have heard a few times that TSC had bad feed. I think it was in the horse sector, bags contained moldy grains etc. Seeing that they don't 'make' their feed, but contract that out. And feed can get spoiled for a number of reasons between the mill and the store. As far as testing at the...
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