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  1. BarnyardChaos

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    I let the April pullets (14) out of their integration area this morning, and they're finding their place within the big flock (55+ birds) right now. Or trying to, anyway. 10-1/2 weeks old. They've been fenced inside the front half of the Big Coop (a converted camper) for the past week. I've...
  2. BarnyardChaos

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    I should mention that April's full moon was Wednesday, April 5th. According to old lore and the Farmer's Almanac, chicks which are hatched on or just before a full moon are healthier, more vigorous, and more likely to survive. I'm setting all my batches this year to coincide with a full moon...
  3. BarnyardChaos

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    Mine hatched Tuesday (Day 21) and Wednesday (Day 22). I set them on Tuesday, March 14th at noon.
  4. BarnyardChaos

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    Contact your propane company, or the manufacturer of the gas generator - see if they offer the correct orifice parts to convert it from gas to propane. We've done that with all of our gas appliances when we moved out here where there's only propane or electric.
  5. BarnyardChaos

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    Update on this chick: He's doing GREAT. I left him in the cup and sling overnight, and dosed again this morning. By this afternoon, he had wiggled his way out of it (good! strong!) and was running around with the other chicks, doing just fine. He's been holding his own all day now. I put him on...
  6. BarnyardChaos

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    I know it's a big investment, but I do recommend a whole-house generator that runs on propane or natural gas. We had ours installed several years ago, and I would NOT be without one anywhere I live, now. We live in a rural area so weather events often take down power lines and I've got too much...
  7. BarnyardChaos

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    That's chicken math, too, right? :lau Good luck with all of them!
  8. BarnyardChaos

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    Electric heater pad or blanket? Hot water bottles? Take them somewhere you can plug in or get heat somehow?
  9. BarnyardChaos

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    Thank you for the suggestion - I'll check with my pharmacy today. The medicine dropper gives too much, and I worry that he's not getting enough with the Q-tip method. Anyway, he shakes his head when I try, so now his face is all stained black. :sick:gig
  10. BarnyardChaos

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    @Wyorp Rock thanks for responding about leg issues! Poly-Visol does contain riboflavin. Here's the label info: My chick regressed, so it's back in the cup and sling now. I gave it another touch of the vitamins on the edge of its beak. It hates it LOL. I made a little feeder and waterer from a...
  11. BarnyardChaos

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    Improvement, already! I won't say it's out of the woods yet, but after taking it out of the cup and sling, it's sitting upright, it can stand up and take a few steps without falling over! I also put it over on its back a few times, and each time it righted itself in a second or two. I also...
  12. BarnyardChaos

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    We're nearing the end of this hatch, but not without problems, sadly. Most hatched just fine yesterday or this morning. But this afternoon (Day 22) we have issues: * Five with no external pips at all. I'll candle them tonight, maybe drill some safety holes, to see what's going on. * One that...
  13. BarnyardChaos

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    Oh my goodness, this was so cute!!! Two eggs zipping together, and both chirping their little hearts out. Sounds like they're having quite the conversation:
  14. BarnyardChaos

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    My update - it's hatch day in our house! One hatched so far, 13 more with external pips, one zipping, and 21 are sleeping late. Going to be a busy day!
  15. BarnyardChaos

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    I'd get him off of that wire floor asap to stop the abrasion on that yolk sac, if you haven't done that already. Put paper towels over the wire, it'll be better for them to learn to walk on anyway. (I don't know why people insist on mesh bottoms for incubators.) Section off a tiny area just for...
  16. BarnyardChaos

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    Last candling done last night, and lockdown has begun! Hatch date is Tuesday, April 4th. I pitched out one quitter. Looks like it was maybe day 10-14, it was the one egg in which I watched a bubble float up from the air sac when I candled them a week ago, and which had lost far more weight than...
  17. BarnyardChaos

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    I'm impressed how you can tell the difference with those eggs. I'd be clueless! Glad to see you here, too!
  18. BarnyardChaos

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    What a colorful bunch!
  19. BarnyardChaos

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    Day 5 already. I candled 42 eggs (3 were spares), and found 3 clears. Spares made up for it! I am concerned about one, which when I held it small end up and put the flashlight to the big end, I swear I saw a bubble float up from the air cell to the top. This one also has a very small air cell...
  20. BarnyardChaos

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    Yay! Here we go again... I've loaded the two incubators an hour ago, with 42 eggs total! :jumpy:jumpy:jumpy This includes three extra eggs stacked on top to replace clears or quitters. Barnyard mixes all, from my own flock. Hatch date April 5th - on the "Pink Full Moon" date. This group I'm...
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