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  1. CastielH

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    I will! You'll have to update too! I know the breeder you got yours from is working on cuckoo so that wouldn't be too out of the question, I'm not sure if they have it in all their pens or not though.
  2. CastielH

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    They're Belgian Watermaal!
  3. CastielH

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    9 chicks made their way into the brooder, 7 white and 2 black! Three eggs left in the incubator (two pipped) but I'm not super hopeful for them. Still 9/12 isn't bad at all for shipped eggs! They're such friendly little things, crawling all over my hands when I was adjusting their food and water.
  4. CastielH

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    Three whites hatched so far! Still drying off but figuring out this whole "walking" business
  5. CastielH

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    Up to 9/12 externally pipped this morning and they were quite talkative when I turned the light next to them on. Hopefully we’ll see some beaks by the time I’m out of class given how far along some of them were!
  6. CastielH

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    Now for the nail biting to really begin! I locked down yesterday and today is only day 19 but three and four decided they wanted Out and have started their escape. No sign of pipping from the others but I'm not too worried since they're a bit ahead of the game.
  7. CastielH

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    12 eggs went into lockdown this morning! Several of the babies were not happy about being candled again but I went as fast as I could. I was only expecting 7 to make it to lockdown given how a lot of people say that’s a good hatch from shipped eggs but I’m not complaining!
  8. CastielH

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    There are two now that I'm unsure of BUT there are four who look like they're almost ready to internally pip! I might have to put them in lockdown tonight but I also might make them wait until tomorrow to give their siblings a chance to catch up. Lamb has assumed her position and is a bit...
  9. CastielH

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    My 13 will be going into lockdown tomorrow! I'll be candling today since I won't have a ton of time tomorrow but when I checked a few days ago all but one looked perfect and the one looked like it could be normal so we'll see! I have the brooder set up and my cat is waiting (impatiently) for her...
  10. CastielH

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    It's day 7 for my eggs and I'm happy to report that 13 out of 14 are developing and look good! Last one was a blood ring unfortunately but from shipped eggs not a bad ratio.
  11. CastielH

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    I have a bit of an odd question for people, do you count from the day you set eggs as being day one or from the day after you set?
  12. CastielH

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    show her pictures of how cute they are and see if that helps? that's what I did with my parents
  13. CastielH

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    I know Red Roof! They're a member of the breed club also, they got some of their foundation birds from the same person the breeder I got my eggs from got her foundation birds from, so our birds are going to be related after all! And yeah the eBay bid for eggs can get a bit wild from what I've...
  14. CastielH

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    No I got mine directly from a breeder in New Jersey whose a member of the breed club. I can't wait to see yours too!
  15. CastielH

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    I totally forgot about the general April HAL thread! I set 14 d'Watermaal eggs on March 30th, I candled yesterday and they all seem to be doing well! Pretty exciting to see I'm not the only person with Watermaal's set! Expecting black and (recessive) white, hoping for some split to mottled!
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