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  1. Tumbleweedlynn

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    How cute! 🥰
  2. Tumbleweedlynn

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    That little one perching is adorable 🐣❤️
  3. Tumbleweedlynn

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    I candled my first incubator full last night - only two clear out of 22, not too shabby! Unfortunately the two were from my cemanis, which is very odd considering he only has six hens to cover 🧐 I’ve seen him cover them all, but two were broodys I just put back in, so maybe that was it...
  4. Tumbleweedlynn

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    We are hatching twins 🐣 One bator is due on the 8th, the other on the 9th. Good luck to you 🍀
  5. Tumbleweedlynn

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    Wow, they are beautiful!
  6. Tumbleweedlynn

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    Hi all :frow I added an additional 22 eggs on Sunday, to make for a total of 44, due on the 8th and 9th. I also purchased a new candler, I just can’t see anything in my colored eggs except sometimes the air sack, so hopefully it will work. Won’t candle until Saturday/Sunday (day7). Rehomed...
  7. Tumbleweedlynn

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    That’s odd! I’d surely give you some of my eggs if you were closer 🤗
  8. Tumbleweedlynn

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    I love the colored layers, so I choose the prettiest blue and green eggs, and then I pick some nice pink eggs, then the Orpington eggs, for sure and the RIR huge brown eggs. And then Lloyd is quite the looker, himself. I just can’t wait for a new flock with all the variety of these sweethearts. ❤️🖤
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