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  1. lilwanderer

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    the 8 remaining orpington eggs are doing well! Hatch date is tuesday. Those of you who remember Popeye and want an update, they are doing well. Starting think this Popeye may be an olive oil/Olivia actually (I'm keeping them by the way. ) The turkeys, told myself i didnt want any, but guess...
  2. lilwanderer

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    All 8 turkeys have hatched, will be moving them shortly.
  3. lilwanderer

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    Hopefully the eggs that aren't supposed to hatch until May 2nd will be fine, first poult (Thats what turkey chicks are called right? ) is out and is rolling around the whole incubator. 🤣. i guess the eggs im manually turning right now will get some extra turning sessions.
  4. lilwanderer

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    That egg that had internally pipped on day 26 has now externally pipped (day 28), can't see his little beak yet though. The 7 other eggs have all interally pipped now, nothing externally yet though.
  5. lilwanderer

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    I can hear 5 out of the 8 turkeys moving around in the egg! (Don't hate me, I have the humidity raised high enough that if i do open it, not enough humidity will exit the incubator enough to actually hurt the chicks. ) 3 out of the 5 are chirping. Question to those turkey hatchers, after they...
  6. lilwanderer

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    Its started, turkeys eggs are on lockdown. i did one last candle and two look like they might be working on the inner membrane or whatever its called. The majority of them I can see half their body poking into the air pocket, which for me has always been a good sign. And the remaining 2/3 are...
  7. lilwanderer

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    I've got 8 orpingtons thriving out of 11. As for the turkeys, all 8 are doing well still there as well, and will be on lockdown day 1 tomorrow evening.
  8. lilwanderer

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    Everybody, meet Popeye! And why not throw in his sibling: (They share the same mama, different father though i believe. )
  9. lilwanderer

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    Forgot to mention, yes i did candle the orpingtons, but i dont see any veining, assuming they just have haven't developed any of that yet as they are bigger eggs and are only on day 3. Although, out of the 11 i have, 8 have darker yolks, so maybe it's starting to happen. I will candle some, if...
  10. lilwanderer

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    The chick above died unexpectedly, went to lock the pens up and it was under its mama stiff. Unsure what had happened, something internal I'd assume. A silkie baby, I only placed 2 under her as an experiment, and now I don't have either if the two. Good thing Is, a silkie bantam went broody the...
  11. lilwanderer

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    Turkey eggs are all alive! They survived the cold night a couple days ago, they should hatch April 23rd if all/they make it. I'll candle the orpington eggs tonight but its only day 3 so i may not see anything, I'm just curious. They should hatch May 2nd so I'll be joining the may hatch a long...
  12. lilwanderer

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    Update: It may be blind or partially blind but it can walk, and it can hear! I tapped my finger on the table while making a mother hens call and it came running. not to my finger but to where the sound came from, my mouth. So i dont know if that means it saw and heard my mouth moving and came...
  13. lilwanderer

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    All remaining babies are out! but one we had to help as we noticed a scissor beak, once we dug in further, chick has a deformed skull and one eye. I read that sometimes when this happens they either don't survive, their remaining eye is blind, or they can see in the one eye and make it. Yet to...
  14. lilwanderer

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    Last night we helped a silkie bantam egg hatch by peeling the shell, woke up this morning the chick was still in the shell, stuck. We took it out but left the egg attached hoping it'd kick free eventually, the chick seemed like any other baby bird when it first hatches, but we came home that...
  15. lilwanderer

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    I believe I would have, but I don't think she has , yet. 🤣 Next time she gets off the nest if I'm around ill see what she does.
  16. lilwanderer

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    mama #4's 2 silkie eggs have pipped, excited to see what these chicks look like. 😅.
  17. lilwanderer

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    Well, speaking of the bantam eggs, we had a broody who had 4 of the other turkey eggs, but since she keeps switching nest we were afraid something would happen to the turkey eggs so I put them in the incubator, now the incubator has 8 turkey eggs 😪. The turkey eggs arent mine, so its very...
  18. lilwanderer

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    Eggs have been set! One of the blue orpington eggs was cracked sadly, and one of the chocolate orpingtons eggs is deformed (Has a huge lump on one side) hopefully it'll be fine. The other 10 look like healthy eggs. (Don't mind the 4 turkey eggs I have in there with them)
  19. lilwanderer

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    I know i mentioned the 12 I'll be setting this afternoon. But i got a dozen of bantam silkie eggs I'm thinking of setting with them, should I? They will either be Silkie×EE, Silkie×SLR Wyandotte, or Silkie×MottledJava. I've only ever seen the Wyandotte on them, and these little ones are just...
  20. lilwanderer

    April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    All is not lost! I candled the eggs again once they warmed up and there is movement!
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