1. tlpounds

    I need help understanding when my royal palm Tom turkey mates with my red bourbon hen and has baby Turks what will they come out as??????

    Ok. Thank you so much. So the Royal Palm is homozygous. Good to know. Your knowledge of the genetics and alleles is amazing.
  2. tlpounds

    I need help understanding when my royal palm Tom turkey mates with my red bourbon hen and has baby Turks what will they come out as??????

    I'm assuming with a Bourbon Red hen and Royal Palm tom that the female would be Red Bronze (bb1 Ccg Nn Rr) and the male would be Golden Narragansett (bb1 Ccg n- Rr)???? We lost our Royal Palm tom and I was thinking of getting a Bourbon Red. I'd love to have sex linked poults. Thank you!
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