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  1. Miss Lydia

    Gosling advice

    That's what I have full Production Toulouse female I lost my Embden gander Feb a year ago. He was almost 15 yrs old. Thank goodness the gosling squeaked at him. I saw my gander step on a duckling and the little thing just got up and ran off. I wouldn't want that to happen often though. My avatar...
  2. Miss Lydia

    Gosling advice

    They are beautiful, and look how tiny that little one is. The adults will be so careful with it. it just warms my heart when I see them with babies. You can try chopping up some romaine lettuce very tiny and giving that to them all. Since they have the little one outside she can find her own...
  3. Miss Lydia

    Gosling advice

    The geese will show it food and water. If it was outside with the dad and grandma hopefully they showed it grass if you have grass? Did they stay right close to the gosling? main thing is it can get safely back to mama and they don't leave it outside alone. I wouldn't think they would but make...
  4. Miss Lydia

    Gosling advice

    Your geese will protect that gosling with their lives. They are the best body guards you could ask for. I am not sure your going to have access until mama brings the gosling outside for the first time then you could go inside long enough to clean. All your geese can eat gosling feed. When I have...
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