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  1. S

    June 2023 Hatch-a-long

    The duckling that couldn't pip and needed some help is out now! 🎉 Took about 60 hours overall from making the safety hole on the shell bruise, and I started the zip for it after 48 hours, to the duckling being able to finish zipping on its own. Not only was it in the wrong end of the egg, but...
  2. S

    June 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Overdue photos of the first group of Golden Cascade ducklings! They all appear to be healthy and are very active. It was difficult to find a pic that wasn't all blurs. 😂 I thought I had an understanding of duck color genetics, but I was not expecting this variety at all lol And one of the...
  3. S

    June 2023 Hatch-a-long

    All five of my duck eggs that made it to lockdown hatched! :celebrate Was so anxious after that power outage, but it only seemed to make them a little late. I'll post pics of them later tonight when they'll hold still for a moment lol I do have a question though about my other set of eggs that...
  4. S

    June 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Thank you so much! I was panicking and couldn't think straight for what to do haha. Covered with towels and blankets except for the ventilation port and was able to warm up some water to add to the reservoir. Power is back now and looks like the incubator temps didn't drop below 80°F, so I hope...
  5. S

    June 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Some eggs pipped this morning and now the power's gone out from a freak storm 😖 omg that's horrible!! I'm so sorry! 😭
  6. S

    June 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Oh sorry I forgot to mention, they're Welsh Harlequin and Golden Cascade. That's interesting to learn about Magpies though! I thought all Mallard-based breeds were about the same incubation period. And thank you! That's what I thought about turning at this point but wasn't sure. Fingers crossed...
  7. S

    June 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Hi everyone, I have ducks eggs on day 23 and 2 of them are already moving/rocking. Should I put them into lockdown early, or at least stop turning now? I'm so out of practice after taking a break for a few years haha
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