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  1. yttac16

    June 2023 Hatch-a-long

    My first little chick is in the brooder
  2. yttac16

    June 2023 Hatch-a-long

    36 hours after first pip and the chick is out! I'll post a photo once they are dried and fluffy. Now to wait for my other one 😊
  3. yttac16

    June 2023 Hatch-a-long

    That was my thoughts! I don't want to help it and end up harming it. Thanks for the reply. Your hatch is looking good. I'm enjoying all of the updates and photos
  4. yttac16

    June 2023 Hatch-a-long

    how long do chickens normally take to hatch? It's been 24 hours since it pipped. I can hear it and see it peaking at the hole. I need some reassurance, I'm getting worried it won't hatch
  5. yttac16

    June 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Definitely feels like forever and it's only been 5 hours. Hope your hatch goes well and I'll keep an eye out for photos
  6. yttac16

    June 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Put my two little frizzle eggs into lockdown yesterday and there is a pip this morning! So excited and nervous as a first time hatcher. I think I've checked them 1168 times so far today haha
  7. yttac16

    June 2023 Hatch-a-long

    that's definitely the plan. I'm going to buy a dozen when spring starts here in Australia
  8. yttac16

    June 2023 Hatch-a-long

    I'm using a Janoel 18S and yes separate thermometer (temp 38 and humidity around 55) One never started developing and another stoped in the first couple of days. Not sure what's happening. Its all a new learning experience
  9. yttac16

    June 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Thanks for the reply! That's what I thought and I've taken them out. I started with 6 and down to 2. Really hoping these last two babies make it
  10. yttac16

    June 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Hi all! First time hatcher. Chicken eggs on day 14. There are two that don't have any veins and look like a dark blob. I'm assuming there are done. Thoughts? I can see veins and movement on the others.
  11. yttac16

    June 2023 Hatch-a-long

    O thank you for the reply! I'll wait and candle them again at 10 days
  12. yttac16

    June 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Hi everyone! I have 6 frizzle eggs due to hatch 22nd of June. It's my first time hatching. They are on day 5 and I candled them for the first time. If the yolk is moving freely that means they are quitters? I have two that are moving and want to check before I remove them. TIA
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