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  1. User1234

    How long do pheasants need heat

    One more question totally unrelated, has anyone heard of a place called farm birds USA. I’m trying to buy peacock pheasants off of him and I’m just wondering if anyone has heard of him before. I’m doing online so I want to make sure it’s not a scam.
  2. User1234

    How long do pheasants need heat

    Thanks I’ll keep it on for a while it gets up to 30 sometimes during the day but still goes down to 15 at night
  3. User1234

    How long do pheasants need heat

    Sorry it was a brief description I was in a rush, they are in a pen out side with a small insulated coop they don’t have heat during the day but do at night. How long do they need heat at night for?
  4. User1234

    How long do pheasants need heat

    I have 20 ring neck pheasants ageing from 3 to 4 weeks it only gets down to 15 Celsius at night how long do they need heat
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