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  1. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 07-14-23 Pic by WoDia

    "Dreaming of a white Christmas...cuz right now it's 100 degrees in July"
  2. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 07-14-23 Pic by WoDia

    Practice your meditation daily to achieve Chick Zen
  3. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 07-14-23 Pic by WoDia

    "All these humans taking photos saying how cute I am...other chicks stepping on my toes & pecking at my fuzzy head...that infernal hot light always on...I wanna go back into my shell for some peace & quiet. Shhhh, I'm dreaming of my egg now..."
  4. Liz Birdlover

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 07-14-23 Pic by WoDia

    Human..."Oh, look at the little baaaaaby! Let me get another photo! Here baby chicky, look here cutie, look at meeeee, you're so cuuuuute! So soft & fuzzy! Here chicky, look here fuzzy baby!" 150 photos later... Chick..."Maybe if I just close my eyes...that bothersome human will leave me alone...
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