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  1. R

    Help with mites! I’m not sure if they’re red mites or NF mites?

    Thanks Debbie. We have been running dehumidifiers for months we have the house down to and keep it at 35%. It does help tremendously so do air purifiers w/ ionization, but not a cure. I wish it was. We are doing much better, though we had to get rid of two couches (very nice leather) and I think...
  2. R

    Help with mites! I’m not sure if they’re red mites or NF mites?

    Clean, clean and clean has been the key. Its exhausting. You can't give them an inch
  3. R

    Help with mites! I’m not sure if they’re red mites or NF mites?

    Mine did, in their ears! Nexgard followed by Bravecto 30 days later along with a few cc's of colloidal silver in their ears daily knocked them out.
  4. R

    Help with mites! I’m not sure if they’re red mites or NF mites?

    I just very liberally mix it in with bedding. Im using boric acid powder no too. There is a lot of it so I can toss the bedding every morning are-coat the bedding if that makes sense
  5. R

    Help with mites! I’m not sure if they’re red mites or NF mites?

    1. I am using garden sulfur >> I started with organic sulfur, but I had to find ways to cut back on the money. 2. I...
  6. R

    Help with mites! I’m not sure if they’re red mites or NF mites?

    You have to shock with ozone generators or you run the risk of degasing finishes in your house, which can be very toxic. 30 mins on, 40 rest time repeat 3-4 times daily. Each room. The problem is you chase them from room to room is you are hitting them simultaneously. Now this doesn't mean you...
  7. R

    Help with mites! I’m not sure if they’re red mites or NF mites?

    My experience over the last 5 months is DE is useless once you have an infestation. I plowed through 30lbs and it had zero effect. I wish I would have started with the sulfur and boric acid/borax from the get go. The DE put me behind the ball.
  8. R

    Help with mites! I’m not sure if they’re red mites or NF mites?

    I'm using sulfur in the coop, enclosure and their dust bath. Its does help. Its been part of my 20 prong battle plan, lol. Baking soda has helped too. Salt, borax and sulfur are regular deliverfor me now.
  9. R

    Help with mites! I’m not sure if they’re red mites or NF mites?

    You have to dig... you can order smaller doses from sellers overseas... it is NOT CHEAP. I believe mine ultimately came from Bulgaria. But a little goes a very long way. It's dosed and calculated by water intake over a 24 hour period. All the abstracts I've read, basically state, it's damn near...
  10. R

    Help with mites! I’m not sure if they’re red mites or NF mites?

    Yes, I am just heart broken. I love my birds... and now I can barely be around them and when I am I am totally stressed out. I can't believe this happening to this extent. Please know my birds are totally spoiled and my coop & enclosure are very well kept. Cleaned every week for 4 years. Dry and...
  11. R

    Help with mites! I’m not sure if they’re red mites or NF mites?

    I agree. I've been treating them every 4-7 days for two months. All the things. we've bathed them all, you name it, we've done it. I have them on exzolt right now, which is amazing! I am now fighting the environment (coop/enclosure/Our whole property) and the fact they have chosen me as a host...
  12. R

    Help with mites! I’m not sure if they’re red mites or NF mites?

    Absolutely! I've seen this. It is very helpful. We definitely have some sort of tropical fowl mite. I have plenty sitting in the rubber maid cabinet (where all this started) from what I believe was a starling nest. I have dealt with NFM before... these are not the same. They are veracious. I'm...
  13. R

    Help with mites! I’m not sure if they’re red mites or NF mites?

    I did mine with agricultural vinegar 1 part to 1 part water, added peppermint oil and a cup of dawn soap all in all 2 gallons. Damn near choked myself out. Sprayed everything. Sprayed some our property with seven... it seemed to help. I could tell by the dogs. Crazy thing was after I sprayed and...
  14. R

    Help with mites! I’m not sure if they’re red mites or NF mites?

    I've done it all, always have. I've dealt with NFM before and have never been through this. They definitely are are not PRM's. Way too small and stay on the host. These are unlike anything I've ever dealt with. They are systemic and the birds/me/ and my dogs' ears are the carriers.
  15. R

    Help with mites! I’m not sure if they’re red mites or NF mites?

    Ozone generators have saved us too! To include my work office. I tracked them here too, before I knew. Just awful. I too have the same weekend planned as you all. Again, it's groundhog day. The whole coop, all the birds and the whole enclosure 36x15, though they free range all day. I've used...
  16. R

    Help with mites! I’m not sure if they’re red mites or NF mites?

    That is either a NFM or tropical fowl mite. I have been dealing with them for awhile. It's been awful. Watch the bites on you and be VERY careful of them getting into the house/car. They will absolutely try to find another host in your house. I am living proof. After months of extensive...
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