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  1. thecatumbrella

    Another pecking order vs bullying question.

    Wanted to provide an update to anyone in the future browsing this thread. She's progressed to full-on feather pulling. I've caught (and corrected) her 3 days in a row. It's not pecking order related; I think she just has a screw loose with all that RIR DNA. My other "Golden Comet"/"Cinnamon...
  2. thecatumbrella

    Another pecking order vs bullying question.

    Gotcha. So it's a fine line between sweet and overzealous!
  3. thecatumbrella

    Another pecking order vs bullying question.

    I had been wondering if chickens ever groom each other, or if it’s always assumed to be feather picking.
  4. thecatumbrella

    Another pecking order vs bullying question.

    Thank you so much! 😊 I haven't noticed any feather damage or injury; she's just being annoying, but I didn't want it to escalate if I could help it. I feel a lot better knowing yours were also hormonal! I have two about to pop out eggs any day, and the posturing has been a bit extra.
  5. thecatumbrella

    Another pecking order vs bullying question.

    It's been a little over a week. We have been working on clutter and making some upgrades to their enclosure. I caught her again this afternoon harassing an Australorp on the Ring cam (pecking and kicking). She even received a smack on the head, but that didn't seem to slow her down. I did...
  6. thecatumbrella

    Another pecking order vs bullying question.

    Right now they're on Nutrena's Starter/Grower Medicated crumble. They also get a small amount of black soldier fly larvae, fresh lemon balm, and wheat grass sprouts. I'm going to comb through that post, as it's exactly what we've been trying to work towards in the run. We just installed a...
  7. thecatumbrella

    Another pecking order vs bullying question.

    I'm hoping seasoned chicken keepers can weigh in. I have four 15 week-old pullets. 2 Golden Comets and 2 Black Australorps. No one is laying yet. One of the Comets is borderline bullying the Australorps. I've seen her hammer her beak into their backs while they're trying to nap, and pull at...
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