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  1. The Birb King

    Any fish breeders?

    I have 4 tetra in total now. I used to just have 2 tetras and like 5 guppies but all the guppies died one by one the tetras seem more hardy. I know the shrimp are probably gonna hide most of the time, but I just thought they were cool and wanted to try having some. Plus they help clean the tank
  2. The Birb King

    Any fish breeders?

    I went to the pet store yesturday and picked up 2 more tetras and 2 shrimp. The shrimp are pretty cool. I haven't seen them all day though so I guess they either found a really good hiding spot or the fish ate them 🤷‍♂️
  3. The Birb King

    Any fish breeders?

    I'm assuming maybe the other fish ate them?
  4. The Birb King

    Any fish breeders?

    I used to have an entire tank of guppies and now there are only 3 left. All the others randomly disappeared one by one. I found one dried up on the floor, but that doesn't even make sense the tank has a lid on it. I never found the rest.
  5. The Birb King

    Any fish breeders?

    I had 2 goldfish in the pond and about 10 koi. Next thing I knew, there was hundreds of baby goldfish. Soo don't keep goldfish together you will end up with hundreds 🤣
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