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  1. C

    Meat Bird crossing?

    It would work with tilapia or catfish. Tilapia can only be raised in tropical or subtropical areas, while catfish can tolerate colder temperatures as well as hot climates. In Africa they raise catfish in home made brick and concrete tubs basically, they tolerate and survive in waters with very...
  2. C

    Meat Bird crossing?

    Certain types of fish (tilapia and catfish) have a very efficient feed to meat conversion ratio (2:1, or two pounds of feed gets converted into one pound of flesh) and I was thinking, that someone with a large pond could build floating cages with either chickens or ducks, and as the birds poop...
  3. C

    Meat Bird crossing?

    Thank you for decoding that for me. I agree, you can make any type of chicken you want with standard breeds, all the big meat birds including the Cornish X came from standard breeds. I believe that you could take just one large standard breed, and in a few years, increase the size of the birds...
  4. C

    Meat Bird crossing?

    By the way, what are the letters WG and WGxR standing for? I am not familiar with those chickens. Thanks in advance. Sometimes I am a bit slow.
  5. C

    Meat Bird crossing?

    The corporate world, you are needed until you are not.
  6. C

    Meat Bird crossing?

    I understand that you are an animal lover, and so am I, but I don't mind if the animal has to be dispatched for a good use, however I do oppose the killing for sports, but to each their own. In ancient Egypt they used to throw human babies to crocodiles in the Nile, because they considered the...
  7. C

    Meat Bird crossing?

    What I meant by "forcing it" is, for example, the White Leghorn hens, they can lay up to 360 eggs in one year, that is 5 eggs shorts of an egg per day for a whole year, that is pushing a physical body to the limits and then some.
  8. C

    Meat Bird crossing?

    Anytime humans try to force nature to do one thing extremely well, other things must be sacrificed, we can't have it all I guess. Dual purpose birds are like a honda civic, will get you there, but not as fast as a sports car.
  9. C

    Meat Bird crossing?

    I currently have CX hens and roosters that are over a year old, and I am struggling to see what I can do to keep the hens laying a least a few times a week. I have figured that I can keep them alive with restricted feed, which is what I have done from early on, but with restricted feed, the...
  10. C

    Meat Bird crossing?

    I actually recently watched most if not all of his videos, and noticed that he had to cull several times in order to get what he was looking for, something people refuse to do. In order to reach a desired characteristic in any animal, culling is necessary. He said on one of the videos, that he...
  11. C

    Meat Bird crossing?

    You can actually cross any big birds you like, and you will always get good results, but the results will always vary. Those who have crossed heavy breeds and got small chicks, need to select ONLY the largest of those chicks, and if none meet their goal, then reject all the chicks and try a new...
  12. C

    Meat Bird crossing?

    If you want easier to raise meat birds, then stick to Red Rangers AKA Freedom Rangers. If you are a daredevil and want to raise the Cornish X meat birds, then read this and pick out of it what will be useful to you: Get yourself some chicks from a hatchery...
  13. C

    Meat Bird crossing?

    I had a few of those gingers, and they were very aggressive towards other chickens, at least that was my experience, maybe I just happened to get a batch of aggressive ones. However, they were not aggressive towards me.
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