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  1. HorseGirlAbby

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    Honestly though, how long does it take to send out a copy-and-paste email saying the person wasn’t hired? One company actually said they’d do that, and I’ve heard nothing from them in the three weeks since my interview lol.
  2. HorseGirlAbby

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    Ugh that came out weird but it’s also what I meant to say lol. I mean there are a lot of job openings and so many people looking for jobs that I kind of get lost in the shuffle. But also because of that employers are picky because they know they can get a more experienced person, if that makes sense
  3. HorseGirlAbby

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    I don’t have either of those, but there are quite a few places that reimburse tuition here. I’m reluctant to accept that though, because then I’ll have to work to pay them back, and I don’t think I’ll want to hold down a job while I’m in nursing school. I know some hospitals will pay tuition...
  4. HorseGirlAbby

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    I’ve applied to over a dozen, and only about a third have even gotten back to me. Most of them don’t even tell you you’re not hired, you just have to guess because they don’t contact you.
  5. HorseGirlAbby

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    We at least don’t think we’re invincible like so many guys seem to :rolleyes: I don’t know, I’m kinda sad about it. Night, Bill, always nice talking to you. Sleep well.
  6. HorseGirlAbby

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    Pfft, when have you ever known college guys to have good judgement? :rolleyes: Unfortunately Hobby lobby rejected me, and that was one place I would’ve loved to work. But thankfully community college is nice and cheap, so I have enough for these next few quarters, at least. It’s only nine...
  7. HorseGirlAbby

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    P. S. BYC's cookies are kinda scary 😳 My suggestions on YouTube after looking at this thread lol.
  8. HorseGirlAbby

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    Ahem, E. coli is cool. I didn't lick it though, don't worry. It's usually the guys' fault 😂 No, I never did. I'm too busy with school now to keep looking, but I still have some feelers out.
  9. HorseGirlAbby

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    Hey Bill! Yeah, it’s the second week of school. Anatomy and Physiology is no joke, but I’m pretty prepared for it. My microbiology teacher is super fun, and I got to grow some E. coli, which was cool. She keeps stressing that we shouldn’t lick our cultures, which seems like a no brainer to me...
  10. HorseGirlAbby

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    Aaaah threads like this scare me. Like there are actually people who can stay up past ten 😳
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