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  1. N

    Chicks failing to thrive. Please help!

    It does like the mirror, but still cries constantly. I’m hoping we can get a few chicks to keep it company 🙁 Again, I can’t express how much I’ve appreciated the advice.
  2. N

    Chicks failing to thrive. Please help!

    Thank you. I’m hesitant to get more chicks from them. Unfortunately it’s the only store in our area that has poultry. We’ve had no issues with the 4 ducklings we purchased there ( other than being told they where females) we I’m hoping this was a fluke. I’ll try the mirror trick. It seems to...
  3. N

    Chicks failing to thrive. Please help!

    I lost him this morning. He seemed to be improving, It just wasn’t enough. I feel awful, even more so for the last little chick. Who’s doing very well, but cries constantly. Should I be handling him much? He’s definitely to tiny to introduce to our rooster.
  4. N

    Chicks failing to thrive. Please help!

    Here’s a photo of the two left. One seems very active. He took his mix out of the dropper unassisted. But still isn’t showing interest in food or water.
  5. N

    Chicks failing to thrive. Please help!

    Thank you. I’ll keep at it! I’m really rooting for the little guy. But he doesn’t seem to be improving. I appreciate the advice though. I’m thoroughly lost with chickens. YouTube shows so many chicks bouncing back. Hopefully that will be the case.
  6. N

    Chicks failing to thrive. Please help!

    I’m just putting one drop on his beak at a time. I keep a paper towel underneath so his feathers don’t get wet. He hasn’t moved much in the brooder, but he’ll stumble around and typically stays on the warmer side. The other chick doesn’t stay close to him. I’m not sure if the age. It’s nothing...
  7. N

    Chicks failing to thrive. Please help!

    Thank you. I guess all I can do is try and hope for the best.
  8. N

    Chicks failing to thrive. Please help!

    The feed store breeds their own. So I’m guessing the two that passed where days old. The stronger one has a little less fluff.
  9. N

    Chicks failing to thrive. Please help!

    Thank you for the responses. I’ve hand raised wild and domestic birds. I’m feeling awful about losing. These babies. I live in Mexico. The chick feed is in bags with no nutritional information. It’s also all that’s available, unfortunately. I turned the heat pad off. But the little one still...
  10. N

    Chicks failing to thrive. Please help!

    We bought 4 chicks from our only local feed store. One died that night. Two where doing well, but the other was weak. I tried boiled yolk, which all three seemed to like. I just lost another while posting this. I tried raw egg yolk with sugar water, but it was too late. The weakest I wrapped in...
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