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  1. DovesFlock

    Show me your flock(and I’ll show you mine)

    lol thank you so much! It’s always a blast naming them! We ended up naming the barred rocks Roscoe, Larry(I’m sure eventually we will have a Gary and a terry and so on lol) and MeepMeep! We have some chicks we named but could grow up to be boys so I’ll save Archie and meathead incase they’re a...
  2. DovesFlock

    Show me your flock(and I’ll show you mine)

    Oh what good news!! My neighbor had 9 chickens they didn’t want anymore and decided to give them to me! So I have 8 new egg layers (and new eggs to incubate) and 9 more chickens to name! I’ll take pics later. 7 are comets 1 is a welsummer And 1 is some kind of mixed roo that kinda ironically...
  3. DovesFlock

    Show me your flock(and I’ll show you mine)

    To add more to the 6 babies there’s 3 more recently hatched. (The 6 were named Bella, Sila, Piccola, Salsa, Myra, and Jasmin) Princess(named after her dad Prince) No name yet (my cousin wants this one) And possibly Belle Pepper
  4. DovesFlock

    Show me your flock(and I’ll show you mine)

    Holly didn’t make it and my dog got my roo Prince who survived but passed due to the shock as well. We luckily have a few babies from Holly and Prince hatching soon.
  5. DovesFlock

    Show me your flock(and I’ll show you mine)

    I have some sad news. Emily’s life has come to an end via our dog (who is use to the chickens and the chickens them) Holly is in intensive care due to our dog. She was hurt slightly but in shock more than anything. She’s inside around the babies so maybe the sounds of the cheeps calm her...
  6. DovesFlock

    Show me your flock(and I’ll show you mine)

    I love the colorations of the speckled Sussex and I ADORED your roll call video so cute!!
  7. DovesFlock

    Show me your flock(and I’ll show you mine)

    Is that skipper posing? I love it!! It’s such a good picture lol. It’s like he’s slipping his hair!!
  8. DovesFlock

    Show me your flock(and I’ll show you mine)

    Omg such a beautiful variety of chickens and colors!! I love them so much!!
  9. DovesFlock

    Show me your flock(and I’ll show you mine)

    Oh that’s a good idea! I’m like that with newer chickens. Though for the most part I can just tell the en apart. Kinda like twin parents lol
  10. DovesFlock

    Show me your flock(and I’ll show you mine)

    im in love with your dove ah. I’d love to own one some day. I’m not sure where to even get one though lol! So beautiful
  11. DovesFlock

    Show me your flock(and I’ll show you mine)

    On my Hatchalong a long time viewer finally got a red chick to hatch and got to name her! So red baby is Salsa (and her mother is Holly Peño)
  12. DovesFlock

    Show me your flock(and I’ll show you mine)

    I lucked out and they started laying around August but we had a storm that took power out so it took a bit to get it all back to normal so they’re a little late hatch wise but no worries it’s warm in the house lol. I’d love to see what babies you hatch when you do!!
  13. DovesFlock

    Show me your flock(and I’ll show you mine)

    ALSO 4 more babies hatched but they aren’t named yet. Baby 1 is a austalorp and I wanna say RIR mix. Has a more brown face. It’s the smallest. Baby too is Australorp and maybe the white buff mix. Love the coloration!! RIR and probably RIR. Absolutely the cutest Really stand out with all the...
  14. DovesFlock

    Show me your flock(and I’ll show you mine)

    Pom Pom is such a cute name! I love it!! And I love that stealth just came out of no where and has been apart of the family!!
  15. DovesFlock

    Show me your flock(and I’ll show you mine)

    Omg this is too cute look at them just looking at everything so confused lol.
  16. DovesFlock

    Show me your flock(and I’ll show you mine)

    I don’t even know WHICH is my fave name those are all so good lol very beautiful flock!
  17. DovesFlock

    Show me your flock(and I’ll show you mine)

    OMG A DOVE!! Ah I’d love a dove but idk where to get one lol. Adorable. All of your chickens are adorable! I love your names too they’re so unique!! My fave is Cypriano that’s such a cool name
  18. DovesFlock

    Show me your flock(and I’ll show you mine)

    lol thank you! And yea I think we may just keep it MeepMeep lol
  19. DovesFlock

    Show me your flock(and I’ll show you mine)

    I’m loving these name. I think bitcoin and Carl are my favorite names!
  20. DovesFlock

    Show me your flock(and I’ll show you mine)

    I have a total of 21 chickens and 3 ducks As well as two chicks and some eggs incubating. Here’s all of my feathered babies and their names! (Two are unnamed so names are welcomed as well) Feel free to drop pics and names of your flock as well! This is Holly Peño a RIR and has two eggs in...
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