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  1. jillianjo

    Rooster losing barbs in tail feathers

    I just picked him up and looked at his feathers. I can’t see any nits on the feathers but I’m not sure what else to look for in terms of evidence of mites. I also inspected his rump a little closer, here’s a close up photo. In addition to the feathers with missing barbs there are also a lot of...
  2. jillianjo

    Rooster losing barbs in tail feathers

    He is 3.5, hatched in April 2020. I’ve thought about mites but haven’t seen any damage to the other chickens. I can do a more thorough check of his feathers next time I pick him up though.
  3. jillianjo

    Rooster losing barbs in tail feathers

    I have a 3.5 year old Ayam Cemani rooster who has slowly been losing bits of his tail feathers. From what I understand of the anatomy of feathers, he’s losing the barbs, but the shaft remains. It doesn’t seem to be a molting issue, because it’s happened slowly over the last few years and the...
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