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  1. mlcrowley

    Coturnix Quail Gender

    You're not kidding! We had to very quickly separate all the males. Like clockwork they hit 7 weeks old and started tearing each other apart. We put them each in their own living space until we could get the males to new homes. Kept the male that seemed the least flighty and the least aggressive...
  2. mlcrowley

    Coturnix Quail Gender

    Ended up vent sexing (way easier than I thought!) 2 Hens and 5 Roos! #1 and #2 from the original pics are the hens. Thank you again!
  3. mlcrowley

    Coturnix Quail Gender

    Any info on what their color names are? Or would these be considered barnyard mixes like chickens? We don’t know much about where these guys came from, we found them online, but I’m fairly certain it was just a mixed flock all kept together. Are they old enough to vent sex? I’ve never tried...
  4. mlcrowley

    Coturnix Quail Gender

    Thank you!!
  5. mlcrowley

    Coturnix Quail Gender

    I have 7 coturnix quail. We got them 5 days after hatch (hatch date was 10/17). They are now 6 weeks old. Can anyone tell gender based on feather pattern? I’ve read that some colors you can, some you can’t. I’m not sure what colors they even are, we’re brand new to quail. Any info you can give...
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